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Rock Worm Study, Red as a vamp? and Philip not the same?
Kedjane Offline
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RE: Rock Worm Study, Red as a vamp? and Philip not the same?

I can't beleive how many details people get stuck on. In most horror/sci-fi games there's alot of small details most commonly randomly added in wich people manage to make some large doom-theory about.

For example in the MMORPG Tibia there's a "Ghoul" room wich is inaccessible.
If you turn the room around and remove a few squares (The games ground is square based) it looks ALMOST like another room in the game called the "Katana Room" (Wich is accessible). The shape is in fact really simple, almost a cone and it appearing twice even WITHOUT having to turn the room around whoudn't be the least strange.
In the Ghoul room there are 11 dead bodies, in the Katana room there are 13. Thats just TWO dead bodies diffrence. MUST MEAN SOMETHING.

I didnt' get too much of the worm thing. I'd say the someone was killed before he could hang himself, like you said.
The vampire thing: I'm 100% sure there WONT be any vampires in Penumbra. Seriously.

On that final thing, you havn't ever heard "The man who (did something) was no more?", "(Name) is no more" or "He/she is not the same person anymore"?
He IS the same person, but has a diffrent personality.
I'm a claim person, I'm not active too much. If I suddenly stared running around jumping through windows, killing people randomly and peeing at dogs my ex-friends whould be on TV a few hours later "He's not the same person anymore. I dont know him anymore.".

Worst regards, Kejdane.
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08-15-2007, 08:56 PM

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