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What's your Operating System?
Linux.Blue Offline
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RE: What's your Operating System?

i think one thing that people like about it, is the freedom. You can choose more of what you want, how you want your desktop, help out on some applications/software. It some cases, it runs better. So far, I had FAR less issues with Linux VS XP, and BY FAR LESS headaches than with Windows Vista.
There are big reasons, some distros being more stable, less buggy, less viruses, don't have to update those anti-virus softwares all the way, smaller reasons, spell check in a web browser, email client, word processor;
some games actually work better and smoother than Windows.
may depend on the distro, but you can have a weather report; binary clock system, etc.
I fell in love with it FAST.
10-05-2007, 11:51 PM

Messages In This Thread
What's your Operating System? - by Yuhaney - 06-15-2007, 09:58 PM

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