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Spoiler Some suggestions for the developers to improve game mechanics. (SPOILERS)
hybridcue Offline
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RE: Some suggestions for the developers to improve game mechanics. (SPOILERS)

I just finished the main game yesterday and I really enjoyed it. It was definitely a one of a kind experience. But I was pretty disappointed whenever there was a scene where I was being chased by a monster and had to get past obstacles quickly. I would die but upon the second attempt the monster would be gone, completely removing any excitement from that area. I only died maybe twice in the game (not counting the first water scene!) so I didn't get why an area became so terribly easy just because I died once there.

PS is there a way to prevent monsters from despawning in a location after you die?
04-07-2012, 04:32 AM

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RE: Some suggestions for the developers to improve game mechanics. (SPOILERS) - by hybridcue - 04-07-2012, 04:32 AM

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