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Overture used to work fine, now it doesn't
Ideka Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 16
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Joined: Jul 2011
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Solved: 8 Years, 3 Months, 1 Week ago RE: Overture used to work fine, now it doesn't

No, installing an updated version of libCg doesn't seem to help.

The game output is slightly different now:
./penumbra.bin: /usr/lib32/libCgGL.so: no version information available (required by ./penumbra.bin)
./penumbra.bin: /usr/lib32/libCg.so: no version information available (required by ./penumbra.bin)
AL lib: UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 44100hz, got 48000hz instead
/usr/share/games/penumbra-collection/Overture/overture: line 10: 19130 Segmentation fault      strace -o ~/stack_trace ./penumbra.bin "$@"
Penumbra: Overture exited unexpectedly, please check
for any error messages
Also try running
ulimit -c unlimited
And re-running Penumbra and try and recreate the error
then submit the generated core file or stack trace
Here's hpl.log now:
-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------

Creating Engine Modules
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating gui module
Creating haptic module
Creating scene module

Initializing Resources Module
Creating resource managers
Misc Creation

Initializing Graphics Module
Init low level graphics
Setting video mode: 1366 x 768 - 32 bpp
Init Glee...OK
Setting up OpenGL
  Max texture image units: 16
  Max texture coord units: 8
  Two sided stencil: 1
  Vertex Buffer Object: 1
  Anisotropic filtering: 1
  Max Anisotropic degree: 16
  Multisampling: 1
  Vertex Program: 1
  Fragment Program: 1
  NV Register Combiners: 0
  NV Register Combiners Stages: 146055560
  ATI Fragment Shader: 0
Creating graphic systems
  Creating Renderer2D
  Renderer2D created
  Creating Renderer3D
   Load Renderer3D gpu programs:
CG: 'ShadowExtrude_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'ShadowExtrude_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
    Diffuse Vertex
CG: 'Diffuse_Color_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
    Diffuse Fragment
CG: 'Diffuse_Color_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'Fog_Solid_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'Fog_Solid_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
   Creating fog textures: Solid Additive Alpha
CG: 'refract_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'refract_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'refract_special_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
   init sky box
  Renderer3D created
Creating screen buffers size 1366.000000 : 768.000000
Creating programs
CG: 'PostEffect_Blur_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'PostEffect_Blur_Rect_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'PostEffect_Blur_2D_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'PostEffect_Bloom_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'PostEffect_Bloom_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'PostEffect_Motion_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'PostEffect_Motion_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
The compile returned an error.
core/programs/PostEffect_Motion_fp.cg(28) : error C5013: profile does not support "for" statements and "for" could not be unrolled.
CG: Error loading: 'core/programs/PostEffect_Motion_fp.cg'!
ERROR: Couldn't create program 'PostEffect_Motion_fp.cg'
Dynamic loops in motion blur fp not supported, loading static instead.
CG: 'PostEffect_Motion_staticloop_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'PostEffect_DoF_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'PostEffect_DoF_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
  RendererPostEffects created
Adding engine materials

Initializing Sound Module
Initializing OpenAL.
  Trying to open audio device... Success!
  Device name: OpenAL Soft
  Number of mono sources: 32
  Vendor name: OpenAL Community
  Renderer: OpenAL Soft
  OpenAL Version Supported: 1.1
  EFX: 0
  Output Devices:
    ALSA Default
    HDA Intel, ALC662 rev1 Analog (CARD=Intel,DEV=0)
    HDA Intel, HDMI 0 (CARD=Intel,DEV=3)

Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates
Initializing script functions

User Initialization
WARNING: Language entry 'EventKeyInNoPower' in category '01_10_small_shaft' already exists!
Initializing Penumbra: Overture
  Version    $Rev: 3013 $
  Date    $Date: 2010-02-06 22:45:08 +0000 $
Checking Supported Profiles
  Profile CG_PROFILE_VP20 is supported
  Profile CG_PROFILE_ARBVP1 is supported
  Profile CG_PROFILE_ARBFP1 is supported
  Profile CG_PROFILE_GLSLV is supported
  Profile CG_PROFILE_GLSLF is supported
  Profile CG_PROFILE_GLSLC is supported
Trying to load vertex program!
CG: 'Test' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'DiffuseSpec_Light_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'DiffuseSpec_Light_Spot_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'BumpSpec_Light_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'BumpSpec_Light_Spot_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'Ambient_Color_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'

Game Running
Loading collada for 'maps/level00_01_boat_cabin.dae' took: 314 ms
CG: 'Fog_Trans_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'Fog_Trans_Alpha_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'Diffuse_Light_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'Diffuse_Light_Spot_vp.cg' using profile: 'arbvp1'
CG: 'Diffuse_Light_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'Diffuse_Light_Spot_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'Bump_Light_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'Bump_Light_Spot_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'Fog_Trans_Mod_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry  joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry  joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry  joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry  joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry  joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry  joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
CG: 'BumpColorSpec_Light_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
CG: 'BumpColorSpec_Light_Spot_fp.cg' using profile: 'arbfp1'
WARNING: Bone 'joint1' is not attached to skin!
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry  joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry for joint child '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
WARNING: Geometry  joint parten '' is missing! Might be connected to bone.
ERROR: Child body 'joint1' for joint 'sjoint2' in mesh 'boat_dynamicparaffin.dae' does not exist!
ERROR: Cannot find sub entity 'parrafinlight_joint1' in mesh 'boat_dynamicparaffin.dae'
Loading map 'level00_01_boat_cabin.dae' took: 7451 msp

And a stack trace attached.

Attached Files
.gz   stack_trace.tar.gz (Size: 980.61 KB / Downloads: 143)
05-25-2012, 09:52 PM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Overture used to work fine, now it doesn't - by Ideka - 05-25-2012, 09:52 PM

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