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[IDEA] punishment for look at the monter's face in Amnesia
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RE: [IDEA] punishment for look at the monter's face in Amnesia

I would generally like a monster that fears the light to make a reappearance. That section in Black Plague, where you had to stay in the light or that thing in the walls would attack you, was pretty intense. It did suffer from being a bit too "gamey" though I think - when the flickering lights started forming that island of light that you had to follow, I was thinking to myself that this felt a bit too constructed and too much like a challenge in timing and dexterity.

But making the phobia of darkness more "real"? That sounds good. Having insanity as an atmosphere feature is great, but there has to be something to make the player fear his own insanity more. Also I think, the player should not be able to see how much sanity he has left - it makes it feel too much like a game mechanic again. Maybe he shouldn't even know there's a sanity meter ticking in the background...

Instead, decreased sanity could make the "thing" appear more often in the corner of his eye, or make hallucinations appear more often. They don't even have to be monsters - they could be stuff like environment assets appearing or disappearing when you aren't looking (not as a jumpscare of course!), doors that suddenly lead somewhere else, shadows of objects that arent there, things that you probably aren't even noticing most of the time, but that are slowly putting you in the mindset that something is wrong.
08-30-2012, 06:33 PM

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RE: [IDEA] punishment for look at the monter's face in Amnesia - by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - 08-30-2012, 06:33 PM

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