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Horror Thread(The Place of Nightmares)
Statyk Offline
Schrödinger's Mod

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RE: Horror Thread(The Place of Nightmares)

(09-12-2012, 01:43 AM)Aldighieri Wrote: One of them was about a trip to disney world. Fucking Disney World, and I got sick to my stomach because everything in that dream was... wrong. I really don't know how to explain it.
Went to Disney LAND on my senior year of high school. Made the baaaaad mistake of going on Mission: Space without my knowledge of motion sickness. Threw up when we got to our motel room and was dozing the whole next day. Started off bad, but we went to the good parts later in the week =D Typhoon Lagoon and Magic Kingdom is where it's at bitches.

As for the dream thing, I've had some dreams where it was really sad. Girlfriend/family died, I was lost in a terrible desolate place, etc. And when I woke up, my face would be tear-covered, as well as pillow. Apparently I've cried in my sleep at those times. I hated waking up like that because I'd have to get out of bed XD

THEN there was one time where I had a dream where some wolf-like beast (I have a mild fear of four-legged beasts) bit off my arm. I woke up from it and could not feel/move my right arm. I felt around for it with my left hand and couldn't find it on the bed. I was kinda panicking and put my hand to my shoulder and followed it down (it was pitch black in my room) and found my arm lodged between the edge of the bed and the wall it sits against, so I had cut off blood circulation. That was a terrifying moment.... Dreams are CRAY-ZEE....

anyway.... I'm just gonnaaaa...
Spoiler below!
[Image: nothing-to-do-here-template.jpg.scaled500.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 09-12-2012, 01:59 AM by Statyk.)
09-12-2012, 01:57 AM

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RE: Horror Thread(The Place of Nightmares) - by Statyk - 09-12-2012, 01:57 AM

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