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Why do people don't care about the history?
crisosphinx Offline
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RE: Why do people don't care about the history?

Str4berrypanic, what is important to me with history is that it is the basis for which all our stories come from. Fiction, lore, stories of land, sea and air monsters, etc. All of these have come from history. Dragons are fake, yet we have a ton of research into them. They are part of our history, whether they are real or not. The more of a monster we make them, the scarier they are (hopefully).

This is fictitious-history. Yet, it is actually factual-history due to it being so prevalent in our lore.

What bugs me is if someone gets documentational history wrong. The stuff that people get wrong and they do it because they believe it's correct, is making Abraham Lincoln a Vampire Slayer. It's funny, but it's not good unless they were trying to make it funny.

So, instead of using that example, let's use "Twilight". The lore behind a vampire is that you can kill it with a stake and if it's in sunlight, it burns up and dies. In Twilight, the vampires can only be killed by other vampires, can love and sparkle in sunlight. They took it seriously. THAT... THAT pisses me off.

This same idea can happen in games and custom stories. If someone gets history wrong, it's annoying and bad. Otherwise it can be objective, as it can portray humor, depth and intrigue. I feel history is important, otherwise you look like a fool and sound like a dumbass (excuse my language). Smile

Animation and Rig questions -> crisosphinx@yahoo.com

3D Generalist. Notable work on FG Forums - The Great Work, Five Magics and Cowards Debt.
01-07-2013, 01:32 AM

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RE: Why do people don't care about the history? - by crisosphinx - 01-07-2013, 01:32 AM

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