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Can the sexism in these types of games stop?
DavidS Offline
Frictional Games

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RE: Can the sexism in these types of games stop?

(09-11-2013, 09:16 AM)Streetboat Wrote: There's a difference in fiction between basing it in reality, and creating your own reality. I believe the stronger fictional story would be one that is grounded in reality, but has fantasy/fictional elements in it. They aren't actually real, but they feasibly could be.

This is a principle often used by sci-fi and classic horror authors by the way. Have the world real and then infect it with something unreal. The rest is writing down what might happen through this infection. This is also why they are able to really frighten us. (Lovely example that is not Lovecraft for once: Stanislaw Lems "Man from Mars".)

09-11-2013, 01:32 PM
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RE: Can the sexism in these types of games stop? - by DavidS - 09-11-2013, 01:32 PM

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