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Opinions on how TCR & FG are dealing with AAMFP criticism
LuckyBlackCatXIII Offline

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RE: Opinions on how TCR & FG are dealing with AAMFP criticism

(10-09-2013, 03:30 PM)The Mug Wrote: I think the main issue though lied in the children, who the protagonist cared so much for, yet we were never given much reason to do so ourselves. Really they did not feel like being the characters Edwin and Enoch at all, but rather just "some children" that were running around the facility and mocking you. To do this day I still cant even make a distinction between them at all.

First of all I have to say, TCR's reactions to criticism is exactly how I thought they would act. Playing AMfP I kept getting that air of pseudo-intelligence and egotism from the game so it's not surprising the creators behind it all would be exactly the same. Seriously, grow up, if you're all about art then you have to be ready for criticism. It's people like this that make majoring in the arts a real trial at times because they are abundant in the field.

Onto your comment, I felt like your statement holds the same water for all the characters in this game, as small a cast as it was. There was a whole lot of "you should feel this way for ____" throughout the game and I just never bought it. There were no honest connections made like I did with Daniel or or the rest in ADD and I'm going to blame that fully on the writing/dialogue or lack thereof.

All the notes you come across are written so similar to one another (excluding the kids' but even they bleed close) and are completely smothered in purple-prose that there's no unique or honest tone to them to mold an actual character. In ADD I could distinguish a note by Alexander from Daniel's, Hell even Herbert has his own bubbly asshole tone in his notes to separate himself from the others. Oswald and co. I remember just constantly rolling my eyes at what I was reading because it was all just so vapid. Even when we're told about his wife's death along with his kid's there was just no care to be found because at this point I was so indifferent towards the man. And I agree with what you said about the twins, there was no way of even distinguishing the two from one another which is real poor writing when you're dealing with twin characters especially when they're your leading macguffin.

The lack of audio dialogue, that didn't include self monologuing, would be a main issue as well, I'd say. That and the acting. I know people praise the voice acting but I just don't understand (then again there's a lot in this game people praise that I can't agree with but that's something that will always happen on either side). Oswald in the beginning kept asking where his kids were but he didn't sound concerned at all so why should I care either?

I think that's what was the biggest disappointment to me with all this. I could live with not being pants-wetting scared but I really enjoy a well told, good story in video games. The main plot of your game is important but characters are just as important since they're the ones who make a story what it is. If TCR is going to continue spouting off they're all about story then by all means please try to make a strong one for once with actual characters instead of something I'd read in a writing class.
10-10-2013, 07:18 PM

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RE: Opinions on how TCR & FG are dealing with AAMFP criticism - by LuckyBlackCatXIII - 10-10-2013, 07:18 PM

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