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Best Way to Copy a Mass Amount of Files to Another PC?
Mudbill Offline

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RE: Best Way to Copy a Mass Amount of Files to Another PC?

You can try to compress it into .zip files using something like WinRAR but it surely isn't necessary. Compressed files are quicker to transfer cause they are smaller in file size, but including the time it takes to compress them probably won't justify doing it, however it is an option. It will make many files placed into a single compressed archive, which can be easier to move.

Otherwise, even if your OS is corrupted, if it still is functional it should be able to copy and paste files around. Seeing as you have a laptop, you probably won't be switching hard drives around, so if you can get a USB flash drive, you can use that, but it will probably take some time unless you get a fairly large one. You can get an actual USB external hard drive instead, which should have enough capacity.

12-21-2014, 12:19 AM

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RE: Best Way to Copy a Mass Amount of Files to Another PC? - by Mudbill - 12-21-2014, 12:19 AM

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