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Fortigurn Offline

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(09-29-2015, 02:24 PM)1minus1is0 Wrote: How do you figure WAU became an "enemy" to humans, or rather humanity, and how do you define "enemy"?

It wanted to become truly alive. All that structure gel isn't just controlled by WAU, it is WAU. It experimented with fish and other animals, then moved on to something more complex with a sophisticated consciousness; humans. It took over bodies, and threw out the individual's mind.

Early on it seems to have destroyed the mind of the people it took over, so that didn't work; they just became empty shells. Then it tried transferring their consciousness to robots which it controlled and which were part of itself due to the integration with structure gel. But those robots kept their independent consciousness, without conferring humanity on the WAU.

It tried again and again to become human, but it never worked. It was mad with jealousy and rage at our humanity, which it could never gain, so it punished any humans which tried to stop it. When someone takes away your humanity because it can't have humanity itself, that's an enemy.
(This post was last modified: 09-29-2015, 03:44 PM by Fortigurn.)
09-29-2015, 03:44 PM

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RE: [MASSIVE PLOT SPOILER DISCUSSION] - WAU - by Fortigurn - 09-29-2015, 03:44 PM

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