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Story is a Masterpiece (Massive Spoilers very long)
humanoid Offline
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RE: Story is a Masterpiece (Massive Spoilers very long)

(09-30-2015, 01:36 PM)Fortigurn Wrote: I think people are misunderstanding the concept of the coin toss.

From my understanding the "coin toss" is something that just doesn't really exist, or rather was made up by Simon (iirc Catherine never brought it up) to cope with something that he doesn't (want to) understand.

Because if you were to make a copy of yourself you're effectively creating a new being.
This being might have all your thoughts and memories up to the point of the brain scan/copy that thinks its you but the original you would always remain in your body and not magically transferred by chance to the new body.
In other words, Simon-1 would remain Simon-1, Simon-2 would remain Simon-2 and so on.

And this effectively leads to the major question that this game brings up, what can be considered human and what can't?
Is the copied you still a human being or just a simulation, an AI constructed by the data of your brain?
If it is human, what about the problem that there are now 2 (or more) of you, each thinking that he is the "real" you, would it be "human" for both to exist?

The "coin toss" analogy only makes somewhat sense if you keep in mind that you're playing a video game where the camera decides what you're experiencing and of course you can't play two characters at once.
09-30-2015, 10:30 PM

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RE: Story is a Masterpiece (Massive Spoilers very long) - by humanoid - 09-30-2015, 10:30 PM

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