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What would you like to see from Frictional next?
perpetualmind Offline
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RE: What would you like to see from Frictional next?

(09-12-2010, 07:40 PM)wrath Wrote:
(09-10-2010, 02:57 AM)Amnesia Wrote:
(09-10-2010, 02:49 AM)perpetualmind Wrote: id really like to see them do something in a sci-fi setting.
the puzzles and the way you can interact with the environment could be really awesome in like, a space ship or on a moon base or something.
Just imagine penumbra/amnesia style puzzles in zero gravity.

Ontop of that, id LOVE to see what kind of story they could come up with for a sci-fi.
And just imagine the capacity for horror, terrifying aliens chasing you in zero gravity!

plus they could make up loads of futuristic technology to make some REALLY cool puzzle elements!

haha yeah that would be really nice. Also lots of creativity space, different aliens, species, powers, etc. I would also like some bosses in fractional games, something you could defeat by solving a puzzle. For example a big water monster chases you than you have to trick it into getting caught in a net. After that you need to burn it with something while it is caught in the net. And you must do it 3 times, every time it gets smarter and harder to get it caught in the net. Something like that would be interesting. Dead Space Frictional Games version Big Grin

I'm pretty sure that's one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. Besides have you even played Amnesia? You remember the water monster right? You understand that it doesn't need a health bar, or a way to beat it to make it scarier, in fact I'd say that'd EASILY make it less so.

Anyway, if they were to do anything like a boss, for it to work I think you'd need to look at something like the Tentacle monster/boss from Half Life 1, where you didn't beat it so much as bathe it in the fire of a rocket engine above it, and you only need to do it once, because its not going to come back from that. Its not contrived, its pure Valve, and it might work for Frictional, but I don't even see then why you bought it up, because it is just a puzzle with a hostile element, that gets destroyed in a satisfying manner as a reward for completing the puzzle, which also allows for more progress. Its not a classic boss at all, and certainly not what you're talking about, maybe what you mean, but not what you say.

id say that frictionals games allready have "boss" stages in a way.
there just not your average boss fight scenario.
a boss fight tends to serve as an epic moment where your skills are put to the test, and to me thats what the chase scenes in amnesia were.
instead of testing your skills at killing, it was testing your skills at withstanding pressure and escaping danger.

your referance to half life's tentacle monster is SPOT ON!
just think of penumbra: black plague, there are 2 sections where you are stuck with one of the creatures and have to use your brains to defeat them.
first you have to trap one in a room by luring it inside and running out, closing the door before it can catch up to you.
then theres the one you need to lure underneath the crate.

Id defenitly like to see more of these confrontations in frictional games, where rather than finding a way to escape, your forced into finding a way of delaying, trapping or killing the danger by using the enviromnent around you.
The net idea isnt so bad, but im not overly fond of having to re-do it.
frictional have said many times they dont want to add in repettetive sections of the game.
In Amnesia there are even sections that will COMPLETELY change if you die, so that it doesnt feel like your just running through the same corridors all over again.
09-12-2010, 07:51 PM
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RE: What would you like to see from Frictional next? - by perpetualmind - 09-12-2010, 07:51 PM

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