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Enable Parallax Quality for improved texture rendering
Al3xand3r Offline
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(09-25-2010, 09:57 AM)mansarde Wrote: More graphical effects do not necessarily have to cause a performance decrease.
And if they do, then the performance decreade does not necessarily have to be significant.
Then the reason for having it disabled by default does not necessarily mean they did that because of performance reasons. Another possibility is that they just included it for fun but didn't focus on its proper implementation (since it was just added for fun and nothing "mission critical").
Oh look, people trying to look smart by being anal on the internet! I was talking in general, the more you ask a system to do the worse it will perform, whether it's noticable depending on the game, the engine and the system it's run on, or not. And yes, I was obviously talking about this particular effect in this particular game when I said they have it disabled for a reason, and that reason is it doesn't perform well, and causes said glitches for many. Why it does that is obviously up to the imeplementation Frictional have done, not magic fairies. If they thought it worked good enough then they likely would have enabled it, whether they did it just for fun or not. Clearly they didn't think it's up to the standard of the rest aspects if they disabled it, at least not yet. But I responded in the first place because he seemed to expect better performance than before when doing this, which he had no reason to.
09-25-2010, 11:50 AM

Messages In This Thread
RE: HOW TO HAVE A BETTER TEXTURE RENDERING IN AMNESIA ! - by Al3xand3r - 09-25-2010, 11:50 AM

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