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What would you like to see from Frictional next?
zxc Offline
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RE: What would you like to see from Frictional next?

Wow, Pressure sounded so good. I read the first paragraph and knew it was my dream game. Then I read the second paragraph and I knew it wasn't a real game, because it was simply too good to be true. If Pressure was done right, it would be truly be the next giant step in computer games. It would make a killing in sales, and everyone would stop what they're doing and play it immediately.

I'd like to see Amnesia 2 Smile without voice-overs. Most of the ideas in this thread I liked a lot. Except the first few sci-fi ones. I think FG would make almost any setting work, and would be guaranteed to put a lot of thought into it.
10-16-2010, 06:24 PM

Messages In This Thread
RE: What would you like to see from Frictional next? - by zxc - 10-16-2010, 06:24 PM

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