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Some personal thoughts on piracy (warning - long post)
Urrah Offline

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RE: Some personal thoughts on piracy (warning - long post)

(11-05-2010, 06:15 PM)BeefJerky Wrote: But look at the arguments being made here. "It's ONLY 20 dollars!" Yeah, it's ONLY 20 dollars when it's MY 20 dollars. Suddenly, when it becomes only YOUR 20 dollars, then it's an issue, right?

Sorry, but when you've been around the block a few hundred times buying games you tend to get really stingy when every other product is a bug-filled mess, especially with the big studios. Since there's no recourse for the consumer once they have my ONLY 20 or 60 dollars, sometimes the only way to tell if I want the product is to see the full version.

Yes a game being cheap alone isn't enough to warrant a purchase, but combine Amnesia's ridiculously low price with the execellent reviews it's been receiving, not to mention the fact that you can watch actual gameplay footage on youtube, and there is no excuse for pirating the game.

I understand your suspision of "big studio's", I'm the same, but I tend to give indies the benefit of the doubt.
11-05-2010, 06:51 PM

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RE: Some personal thoughts on piracy (warning - long post) - by Urrah - 11-05-2010, 06:51 PM

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