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Is this game more scary than a frictional game?
Tanshaydar Offline
From Beyond

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RE: Is this game more scary than a frictional game?

Nightmare House 2 has only one and single original scare.
All others are just inspiration or plain copycat.

While playing, I enjoyed it very much, yeah, but it doesn't wake any emotion like Korsakovia did for me. It's a horror mod, definitely, but scary? Well, there are parts, especially for someone didn't play Condemned or FEAR.

For FEAR part of discussion, first game was good, and has some good scares too; but why bother beating some brains on a ingeniously crafted horror, while people are satisfied with plain action which requires no brain more than a ten years old head shooter? That was the fate of following games.

01-23-2011, 12:54 PM
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RE: Is this game more scary than a frictional game? - by Tanshaydar - 01-23-2011, 12:54 PM

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