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Overture High&Low Graphic's
Bek Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 3 Months, 2 Weeks ago RE: Overture High&Low Graphic's

Anistropic filtering makes textures still look clear when viewed at odd angles (You want this set to 16x)
Anti Aliasing decreases jagged edges on objects by increasing the resolution and using some other trickery.
Noise filter would overlay the game with a simple noise effect to make it look a bit grainy. (Or remove it, I never really checked what the case was) Personal preference if you want it on or off. (I'm just guessing here)
Bloom is an effect that changes the intensity of light if you just came out of a dark area I think, or maybe I'm getting it confused with HDR. You can check wikipedia if you want, I probably got some details wrong.

oh and Vsync locks the framerate at a specific number to stop screen tearing. Only enable this if you have to, or want to keep the FPS down to save the GPU the effort.
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2011, 12:57 AM by Bek.)
03-05-2011, 12:55 AM

Messages In This Thread
Overture High&Low Graphic's - by PenumbraOT - 03-04-2011, 02:35 PM
RE: Overture High&Low Graphic's - by Yuhaney - 03-04-2011, 03:04 PM
RE: Overture High&Low Graphic's - by PenumbraOT - 03-04-2011, 06:35 PM
RE: Overture High&Low Graphic's - by Yuhaney - 03-04-2011, 07:53 PM
RE: Overture High&Low Graphic's - by Bek - 03-05-2011, 12:55 AM
RE: Overture High&Low Graphic's - by PenumbraOT - 03-05-2011, 03:49 AM

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