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Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays
J.R.S.S. Offline

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RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

I have spent many hours thinking of what has been said. My mind thinks as I read and as I wonder. Disagreement is all I can find. From where you say I know not the difference between Judgment and Observation I call to you with the same saying. Judgment is given throughout all of a mans life. Including you and myself. Observation is not such a item that is seen by the masses. It sits in one mans mind as he uses it while Judgment is used with a strong voice and strong feelings. It is of such difficulties to separate the two and for one to know when he uses one or the other. To some there is no difference and the ones who do recognize they do not know or wish to separate them. You say Judgment may be used without violence and that is true. Though is it used without violence is the true question. Judgment in this world of ours is used to bring forth violence. Whether meant or not it is. Judgment is harsh, it is a function meant to only appeal to one man and that is the man judging. Judgment is not a saint, it is not needed to survive, it is a weapon.

You are correct as you say one may call to Judgment once one man is Observed. Though you give it no chance, no reason. Why must Judgment be called? Curiosity is there to be with observation. Wonder is close by next to Appeal. Judgment exist in all men yes and sits with the rest but it may not have to be called. It may be named a natural item used by all and exist within us but who says it must be used? Listen to my words good man and listen closely. Judgment is not a being to help the fellow man. It is not a being to follow along the other attributes like it's brothers. When a man judges another man he does not use information gathered from a holy place. He puts his own morals; his own standards and his own right and wrong on that man and if that man does not coincide with them then he thinks wrong of that man and says he must change. Judgment does not lead to a path which all may end up on for salvation. No. Each man has his thoughts and thus judgment allows him to place it on others. When he judges another man that man may judge him and respond with violence. Judgment brings no good and as my words have said before; when it does then it is a gift of kindness. Though a Judgment of good is not plentiful and only when two men are very similar will it be kindness.

Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time.
H.P. Lovecraft
"The White Ship"
02-04-2012, 04:28 AM
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays - by Sel - 01-26-2012, 04:55 PM
RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays - by Sel - 01-26-2012, 05:34 PM
RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays - by J.R.S.S. - 02-04-2012, 04:28 AM

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