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Full Version: Full conversion not working
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I am trying to make a full conversion but the problem is that when i start the .bat file it says unable to open game config file... Help please Sad

The hpl.log says

Spoiler below!
ERROR: Unable to open config file 'md_config/game.cfg'! Invalid filepointer returned!

|--Memory Manager Report-------------------------------|
| No memory leaks detected. Memory left: 0

What edition of the game are you using to test this out, retail or Steam? What are the contents of the .bat file? What are the contents of your story's main_init.cfg file? Do you even have a file called game.cfg at that location?
(12-17-2011, 02:27 PM)Your Computer Wrote: [ -> ]What edition of the game are you using to test this out, retail or Steam? What are the contents of the .bat file? What are the contents of your story's main_init.cfg file? Do you even have a file called game.cfg at that location?
I use Retail. The content of the .bat is a modified one of the bat script on your isolated full conversion tutorial. The content is a modified Justine main_init i think. Yes i have a file named game.cfg and it's in the right location

And it happens the same thing when i try to play white night...
I was hoping you would post the contents of those files. In the mean time, i'm going to go over my tutorial again and see if i can duplicate your issue. Went over my tutorial and every works for me.
Check for a syntax errors in your main_init.cfg I suppose. I really don't know what else might cause that error. If you're absolutely sure your config files are pristine, try asking in the technical support forum.
(12-18-2011, 01:14 AM)Your Computer Wrote: [ -> ]I was hoping you would post the contents of those files. In the mean time, i'm going to go over my tutorial again and see if i can duplicate your issue. Went over my tutorial and every works for me.
I'm sorry, which of the files do you want? I will put Main init and game file and tell me if it's any more files you want to see

Spoiler below!
Resources = "md_config/resources.cfg"
Materials = "materials.cfg"

Game = "md_config/game.cfg"
Menu = "md_config/menu.cfg"
PreMenu = "md_config/pre_menu.cfg"
Demo = "config/demo.cfg"

DefaultMainSettings = "config/default_main_settings.cfg"

DefaultMainSettingsLow = "launcher/default_main_settings_low.cfg"
DefaultMainSettingsMedium = "launcher/default_main_settings_medium.cfg"
DefaultMainSettingsHigh = "launcher/default_main_settings_high.cfg"

DefaultUserSettings = "config/default_user_settings.cfg"
DefaultUserKeys = "config/default_user_keys.cfg"

DefaultBaseLanguage = "base_english.lang"
DefaultGameLanguage = "english.lang"

MainSaveFolder = "Medusas_Den"

BaseLanguageFolder = "md_config/"
GameLanguageFolder = "md_config/lang/"

CustomStoryPath = "custom_stories"

GameName = "Medusas Den - An Amnesia: The Dark Descent Mod"

File = ""
Folder = "maps/"
Pos = "PlayerStartArea_1"

Spoiler below!

MaxSmoothMousePos = "7"
PrevSmoothMousePosMul = "0.7"



InGameMusicVolume = "0.85"


VoiceTextFontSize = "18 18"
VoiceTextRowWidth = "600"


QuestCompletionValue = "30"
ItemCompletionValue = "5"
NoteCompletionValue = "10"
DiaryCompletionValue = "10"
FlashbackCompletionValue = "10"
ChestCompletionValue = "20"

MaxAutoSaves = "20"


EnemyDarknessGlowMaxDistance = "15"


EventsFile = "misc/main_sanity_events.cfg"

MinTimeBetweenEvents = "300"
MaxEventSanity = "65"

MaxSanity_LongWait = "65"
MaxSanity_MedWait = "45"
MaxSanity_ShortWait = "25"

TimeBetween_LongWait = "270"
TimeBetween_MedWait = "180"
TimeBetween_ShortWait = "80"

MaxExamineSanity = "50"

InsanityArea_CheckTimeMin = "1"
InsanityArea_CheckTimeMax = "15"

SlimeType0_AttackSound = "slime_attack_normal_hit.snt"
SlimeType0_AttackPS = ""
SlimeType0_MinAttackDamage = "5"
SlimeType0_MaxAttackDamage = "8"
SlimeType0_ScreenShakeAmount = "0.03"


FOV = "70"
FarClipPlane = "400"
NearClipPlane = "0.01"

FocusTextFont = "game_default.fnt"

HeadSpinDamageSpeed = "8"
HeadSpinDeacc = "40"

MaxCameraSmoothAngles = "10"

TerrorSound = "ui_terror_meter.ogg"
TerrorIncSpeed = "0.33"
TerrorDecSpeed = "0.2"

MaxPrevSpeedsSaved = "60"

AutoKillYPos = "-500"

FlashbackRadialBlurSize = "0.09"
FlashbackRadialBlurStartDist = "0.3"
FlashbackWorldSoundVolume = "0.3"
FlashbackMoveSpeedMul = "0.6"
FlashbackRunSpeedMul = "0.6"

Death_HeightAdd = "-1.3"
Death_HeightAddCrouch = "-0.7"
Death_FadeTime = "3"
Death_MaxSanityGain = "30"
Death_MaxHealthGain = "30"
Death_MaxOilGain = "10"
Death_MinSanityGain = "20"
Death_MinHealthGain = "20"
Death_MinOilGain = "0"
Death_HeightAddSpeed = "1.2"
Death_RollSpeed = "55"
Death_StartSound = "player_bodyfall"
Death_AwakenSound = ""

InsanityCollapse_HeightAddGoal = "-0.8"
InsanityCollapse_HeightAddCollapseSpeed = "0.6"
InsanityCollapse_HeightAddAwakeSpeed = "0.4"
InsanityCollapse_RollCollapseSpeed = "15"
InsanityCollapse_RollAwakeSpeed = "10"
InsanityCollapse_AwakenSanity = "37"
InsanityCollapse_SleepTime = "12"
InsanityCollapse_SleepSpeedMul = "0.2"
InsanityCollapse_WakeUpSpeedMul = "0.5"
InsanityCollapse_StartSound = "player_bodyfall"
InsanityCollapse_AwakenSound = "player_stand"
InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSound = "insanity_ear_ring.ogg"
InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSoundVolume = "0.7"
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomSound = "step_sneak_rock_rev.snt"
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMinTime = "1"
InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMaxTime = "3"

Hurt_EffectStartHealth = "50"
Hurt_MinSpeedMul = "0.75"
Hurt_MaxPantCount = "15.0"
Hurt_PantSpeed = "0.37"
Hurt_PantSize = "0.01f"
HealthRegainSpeed = "0.3"
HealthRegainLimit = "52"
Hurt_NoiseAlpha = "0.5"
Hurt_NoiseFreq = "10"
Hurt_NoiseColor = "0.4 0 0 1"

SanityGain_Color = "0.3 0.3 0.5 1"
SanityGain_Sound = "ui_sanity_gain"
SanityGain_FadeInTime = "0.25"
SanityGain_FadeOutTime = "1.25"

HandsRotationSmoothNum = "13"
HandsPosAddMul = "0.12"

FallDamageBounceSizeMul = "3.5"
FallDamageBounceSpeedMul = "0.6"

FallDamageSpeed_Min = "12"
FallDamage_Min = "10"
FallDamageSound_Min = "player_falldamage_min"

FallDamageSpeed_Med = "14"
FallDamage_Med = "40"
FallDamageSound_Med = "player_falldamage_med"

FallSpeed_Max = "20"
FallDamage_Max = "100"
FallDamageSound_Max = "player_falldamage_max"


GrabMaxForce = "10000"
GrabMaxTorque = "10000"
GrabMaxAngularSpeed = "6"

GrabMinSlowPlayerMass = "10"
GrabMaxSlowPlayerMass = "25"
GrabMinSlowPlayerMul = "0.3"
GrabMaxLeaveAngularSpeed = "8"
GrabMaxLeaveLinearSpeed = "8"

PushMaxSpeedWalk = "2"
PushMaxSpeedRun = "3"
PushMaxSpeedCrouch = "1.5"

PushForceWalk = "100"
PushForceRun = "150"
PushForceCrouch = "100"

PushYawRange = "20"
PushPitchMinRange = "20"
PushPitchMaxRange = "20"

PushMaxForce = "10000"

MoveToMouseAddFactor = "0.01"
MoveMaxForce = "10000"

SlideMaxForce = "10000"

Default_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Grab_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Push_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Slide_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
SwingDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "3"
Lever_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Wheel_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
Item_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
LevelDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
MultiSlider_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"

Commentary_MaxFocusDist = "3"

Ladder_MaxFocusDist = "2.3"
Examine_MaxFocusDist = "2.5"
Sign_MaxFocusDist = "3.6"
ScriptArea_MaxFocusDist = "2"

MinUseItemDistance = "3"


Mass = "70"
Size = "0.8 1.8 0.8"
CrouchSize = "0.8 1.2 0.8"

GravityForce = "0 -20 0"

CameraPosAdd = "0 -0.05 0"
CameraSmoothPosNum = "10"

AccurateClimbing = "true"
MaxNoSlideSlopeAngle = "45"
MaxPushMass = "10"
PushForce = "55"
CharacterMaxPushMass = "15"
CharacterPushForce = "100"
MaxStepSize = "0.4"
MaxStepSizeInAir = "0.1"
StepClimbSpeed = "5.0"



MinLightLevel = "0.15"

RadiusAdd = "3"

AmbientLightMinLightLevel = "0.2"
AmbientLightRadius = "6.5"
AmbientLightIntensity = "0.32"
AmbientLightFadeInTime = "2.8"
AmbientLightFadeOutTime = "2.3"
AmbientLightColor = "0.5 0.5 1 0"

LoopSoundFile = "player_darkness.ogg"
LoopSoundVolume = "0.2"
LoopSoundStartupTime = "1.0"
LoopSoundFadeInSpeed = "0.05"
LoopSoundFadeOutSpeed = "0.4"

SanityLossPerSecond = "0.2"


HitZoomInSpeed = "3.5"
HitZoomOutSpeed = "0.6"
HitZoomInFOVMul = "0.06"
HitZoomInAspectMul = "0.15"

SanityRegainSpeed = "0.075"
SanityRegainLimit = "51"

SanityVeryLowLimit = "20"
SanityEffectsStart = "65"

SanityWaveAlphaMul = "1"
SanityWaveSpeedMul = "1"

CheckNearEnemyInterval = "0.3"

NearEnemyDecrease = "0.3"
NearCritterDecrease = "0.1"

StartSwayMaxSanity = "15"
SwayMaxSavedPositions = "30"

SanityLowLimit = "30"
SanityLowLimitMaxTime = "300"
SanityLowNewSanityAmount = "40"

LightLampMinSanityIncrease = "0.1"
LightLampMaxSanityIncrease = "5"


Color="0.88 0.82 0.40 0.8"
Radius = "0.0001"
Gobo = ""
LocalOffset = "0.3 -0.3 -0.1"
TurnOnSound = "ui_lantern_on"
TurnOffSound = "ui_lantern_off"
OutOfOilSound = "ui_lantern_off"
DisabledSound = ""
CastShadows = "false"
LowerOilSpeed = "0.23"
FadeLightOilAmount = "10"


UpSpeed = "0.8"
DownSpeed = "0.9"
StepLength = "0.5"


ForwardAcc = "8.0"
SidewayAcc = "8.0"
ForwardDeacc = "11.0"
SidewayDeacc = "11.0"

ForwardOppositeDirAccMul = "9.0"
SidewayOppositeDirAccMul = "9.0"



JumpSound = "player_jump"
CrouchSound = "player_crouch"
StandSound = "player_stand"

MaxForwardSpeed = "2.5"
MaxBackwardSpeed = "2.0"
MaxSidwaySpeed = "2.25"

RunForwardMul = "1.7"
RunBackwardMul = "1.7"
RunSidewayMul = "1.7"

CrouchForwardMul = "0.65"
CrouchBackwardMul = "0.65"
CrouchSidewayMul = "0.65"

InAirForwardMul = "0.75"
InAirBackwardMul = "0.75"
InAirSidewayMul = "0.75"

MaxJumpCount = "0.22"
JumpStartForce = "280"
JumpCrouchStartForce = "200"

CrouchBobMax = "0.06 0.04"
WalkBobMax = "0.03 0.03"
RunBobMax = "0.05 0.06"

CrouchMinBobSpeed = "0.2"
CrouchMaxBobSpeed = "1.2"

WalkMinBobSpeed = "0.4"
WalkMaxBobSpeed = "1.8"

RunMinBobSpeed = "0.5"
RunMaxBobSpeed = "2.5"

GroundBounceSize = "0.08"
GroundBounceSpeed = "2.8"
MinHitGroundBounceSpeed = "5.0"


CheckUpdatesPerSecond = "30"

ClimbLedgeCheckDistForward = "0.2"
ClimbLedgeCheckDistFromTop = "0.2"
ClimbLedgeCheckDistTopToEnd = "0.5"
CheckMaxPushDist = "0.5"

HeadMoveSpeed = "0.8"
HeadMoveSlowdownDist = "0.1"
GivePlayerControlDist = "0.1"
MovePitchFactor = "4"
MaxMovePitchSpeed = "5"

I thought you said you followed Your Computer's isolated TC tutorial? You need to add your TC's parent directory before md_config/

The Amnesia application starts looking for the files based on its directory. So what it's looking for right now is redist/md_config/game.cfg but your config files' directory is probably redist/md/md_config/game.cfg right?
So i need to write all the way to redist? becuse when i watched the0 White Night files it said just wh_config/game etc :/
White Night isn't a fully isolated full conversion. I have no idea how your full converion is structured. You'll have to post the entire file structure of your full conversion and the contents of the .bat file if you want my assistance.
(12-18-2011, 10:14 PM)Your Computer Wrote: [ -> ]White Night isn't a fully isolated full conversion. I have no idea how your full converion is structured. You'll have to post the entire file structure of your full conversion and the contents of the .bat file if you want my assistance.
Ok so it's like this: In the Redist folder i have a folder called Medusas Den and inside it i have the folders entities, main_menu, maps, md_config, md_graphics, static_objects and textures. and inside md_config i got:

a lang map with english.lang and then in the md_config folder i got base_english.lang, default_main_settings.cfg, game.cfg, main_init.cfg, menu.cfg and resources.cfg

and ofc in my maps folder i got the map

and the .bat is Amnesia.exe Medusas Den/md_config/main_init.cfg
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