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Full Version: Main Ambient Darkness Range Shortened?
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Issue has been solved! =D

So I felt like playing the original storyline, just for the fun and nostalgia, but for some reason, I've noticed that the ambient light shown in darkness for some reason has been shortened dramatically... To the point where I can't see something unless I'm pressing against it. I went into the main game.cfg and tried to play around in the Player_Darkness section but nothing is changing. Can anyone help me out here?

Here is my game.cfg (the main_init.cfg directs to this as well, so that's not the issue):

MinLightLevel = "0.15"

RadiusAdd = "3"

AmbientLightMinLightLevel = "0.2"
AmbientLightRadius = "6"
AmbientLightIntensity = "0.32"
AmbientLightFadeInTime = "2.8"
AmbientLightFadeOutTime = "2.3"
AmbientLightColor = "0.5 0.5 1 0"

LoopSoundFile = "player_darkness.ogg"
LoopSoundVolume = "0.2"
LoopSoundStartupTime = "1.0"
LoopSoundFadeInSpeed = "0.05"
LoopSoundFadeOutSpeed = "0.4"

SanityLossPerSecond = "0.2"
I haven't tried this, but wouldn't
RadiusAdd = "3" have something to do with it?
(01-09-2012, 04:12 AM)flamez3 Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't tried this, but wouldn't
RadiusAdd = "3" have something to do with it?
I tried it before I posted this. Didn't do anything =\

Could someone post their "game.cfg" from notepad into here so I can copy and replace?
The only difference between mine and yours is that AmbientLightRadius is 6.5 on mine.
(01-09-2012, 05:26 AM)Your Computer Wrote: [ -> ]The only difference between mine and yours is that AmbientLightRadius is 6.5 on mine.
I did so and it's still stopping short. Can someone copy ALL of their game.cfg and paste it here for me? Perhaps taking a fresh, unbroken example will fix it. Because then from there, if it continues, I know it's something else causing this.
Here is my whole game.cfg file Smile

Spoiler below!

    MaxSmoothMousePos = "7"
    PrevSmoothMousePosMul = "0.7"


    InGameMusicVolume = "0.85"


    VoiceTextFontSize = "18 18"
    VoiceTextRowWidth = "600"


    QuestCompletionValue = "30"
    ItemCompletionValue = "5"
    NoteCompletionValue = "10"
    DiaryCompletionValue = "10"
    FlashbackCompletionValue = "10"
    ChestCompletionValue = "20"

    MaxAutoSaves = "20"


    EnemyDarknessGlowMaxDistance = "15"


    EventsFile = "misc/main_sanity_events.cfg"
    MinTimeBetweenEvents = "300"
    MaxEventSanity = "65"
    MaxSanity_LongWait = "65"
    MaxSanity_MedWait = "45"
    MaxSanity_ShortWait = "25"

    TimeBetween_LongWait = "270"
    TimeBetween_MedWait = "180"
    TimeBetween_ShortWait = "80"
    MaxExamineSanity = "50"
    InsanityArea_CheckTimeMin = "1"
    InsanityArea_CheckTimeMax = "15"

    SlimeType0_AttackSound = "slime_attack_normal_hit.snt"
    SlimeType0_AttackPS = ""
    SlimeType0_MinAttackDamage = "5"
    SlimeType0_MaxAttackDamage = "8"
    SlimeType0_ScreenShakeAmount = "0.03"


    FOV = "70"
    FarClipPlane = "400"
    NearClipPlane = "0.01"

    FocusTextFont = "game_default.fnt"

    HeadSpinDamageSpeed = "8"
    HeadSpinDeacc = "40"
    MaxCameraSmoothAngles = "10"
    TerrorSound = "ui_terror_meter.ogg"
    TerrorIncSpeed = "0.33"
    TerrorDecSpeed = "0.2"
    MaxPrevSpeedsSaved = "60"
    AutoKillYPos = "-500"
    FlashbackRadialBlurSize = "0.09"
    FlashbackRadialBlurStartDist = "0.3"
    FlashbackWorldSoundVolume = "0.3"
    FlashbackMoveSpeedMul = "0.6"
    FlashbackRunSpeedMul = "0.6"
    Death_HeightAdd = "-1.3"
    Death_HeightAddCrouch = "-0.7"
    Death_FadeTime = "3"
    Death_MaxSanityGain = "30"
    Death_MaxHealthGain = "30"
    Death_MaxOilGain = "10"
    Death_MinSanityGain = "20"
    Death_MinHealthGain = "20"
    Death_MinOilGain = "0"
    Death_HeightAddSpeed = "1.2"
    Death_RollSpeed = "55"
    Death_StartSound = "player_bodyfall"
    Death_AwakenSound = ""
    InsanityCollapse_HeightAddGoal = "-0.8"
    InsanityCollapse_HeightAddCollapseSpeed = "0.6"
    InsanityCollapse_HeightAddAwakeSpeed = "0.4"
    InsanityCollapse_RollCollapseSpeed = "15"
    InsanityCollapse_RollAwakeSpeed = "10"
    InsanityCollapse_AwakenSanity = "37"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepTime = "12"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepSpeedMul = "0.2"
    InsanityCollapse_WakeUpSpeedMul = "0.5"
    InsanityCollapse_StartSound = "player_bodyfall"
    InsanityCollapse_AwakenSound = "player_stand"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSound = "insanity_ear_ring.ogg"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSoundVolume = "0.7"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomSound = "step_sneak_rock_rev.snt"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMinTime = "1"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMaxTime = "3"
    Hurt_EffectStartHealth = "50"
    Hurt_MinSpeedMul = "0.75"
    Hurt_MaxPantCount = "15.0"
    Hurt_PantSpeed = "0.37"
    Hurt_PantSize = "0.01f"
    HealthRegainSpeed = "0.3"
    HealthRegainLimit = "52"
    Hurt_NoiseAlpha = "0.5"
    Hurt_NoiseFreq = "10"
    Hurt_NoiseColor = "0.4 0 0 1"
    SanityGain_Color = "0.3 0.3 0.5 1"
    SanityGain_Sound = "ui_sanity_gain"
    SanityGain_FadeInTime = "0.25"
    SanityGain_FadeOutTime = "1.25"
    HandsRotationSmoothNum = "13"
    HandsPosAddMul = "0.12"
    FallDamageBounceSizeMul = "3.5"
    FallDamageBounceSpeedMul = "0.6"
    FallDamageSpeed_Min = "12"
    FallDamage_Min = "10"
    FallDamageSound_Min = "player_falldamage_min"

    FallDamageSpeed_Med = "14"
    FallDamage_Med = "40"
    FallDamageSound_Med = "player_falldamage_med"

    FallSpeed_Max = "20"
    FallDamage_Max = "100"
    FallDamageSound_Max = "player_falldamage_max"


    GrabMaxForce = "10000"
    GrabMaxTorque = "10000"
    GrabMaxAngularSpeed = "6"
    GrabMinSlowPlayerMass = "10"
    GrabMaxSlowPlayerMass = "25"
    GrabMinSlowPlayerMul = "0.3"
    GrabMaxLeaveAngularSpeed = "8"
    GrabMaxLeaveLinearSpeed = "8"
    PushMaxSpeedWalk = "2"
    PushMaxSpeedRun = "3"
    PushMaxSpeedCrouch = "1.5"
    PushForceWalk = "100"
    PushForceRun = "150"
    PushForceCrouch = "100"
    PushYawRange = "20"
    PushPitchMinRange = "20"
    PushPitchMaxRange = "20"
    PushMaxForce = "10000"
    MoveToMouseAddFactor = "0.01"
    MoveMaxForce = "10000"
    SlideMaxForce = "10000"
    Default_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Grab_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Push_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Slide_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    SwingDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "3"
    Lever_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Wheel_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Item_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    LevelDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    MultiSlider_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Commentary_MaxFocusDist = "3"
    Ladder_MaxFocusDist = "2.3"
    Examine_MaxFocusDist = "2.5"
    Sign_MaxFocusDist = "3.6"
    ScriptArea_MaxFocusDist = "2"
    MinUseItemDistance = "3"

    Mass = "70"
    Size = "0.8 1.8 0.8"
    CrouchSize = "0.8 1.2 0.8"
    GravityForce = "0 -20 0"
    CameraPosAdd = "0 -0.05 0"
    CameraSmoothPosNum = "10"
    AccurateClimbing = "true"
    MaxNoSlideSlopeAngle = "45"
    MaxPushMass = "10"
    PushForce = "55"
    CharacterMaxPushMass = "15"
    CharacterPushForce = "100"
    MaxStepSize = "0.4"
    MaxStepSizeInAir = "0.1"
    StepClimbSpeed = "5.0"


    MinLightLevel = "0.15"
    RadiusAdd = "3"
    AmbientLightMinLightLevel = "0.2"
    AmbientLightRadius = "6.5"
    AmbientLightIntensity = "0.32"
    AmbientLightFadeInTime = "2.8"
    AmbientLightFadeOutTime = "2.3"    
    AmbientLightColor = "0.5 0.5 1 0"    
    LoopSoundFile  = "player_darkness.ogg"
    LoopSoundVolume = "0.2"
    LoopSoundStartupTime = "1.0"
    LoopSoundFadeInSpeed = "0.05"
    LoopSoundFadeOutSpeed = "0.4"
    SanityLossPerSecond = "0.2"

    HitZoomInSpeed = "3.5"
    HitZoomOutSpeed = "0.6"
    HitZoomInFOVMul = "0.06"
    HitZoomInAspectMul = "0.15"
    SanityRegainSpeed = "0.075"
    SanityRegainLimit = "51"
    SanityVeryLowLimit = "20"
    SanityEffectsStart = "65"
    SanityWaveAlphaMul = "1"
    SanityWaveSpeedMul = "1"
    CheckNearEnemyInterval = "0.3"
    NearEnemyDecrease = "0.3"
    NearCritterDecrease = "0.1"
    StartSwayMaxSanity = "15"
    SwayMaxSavedPositions = "30"
    SanityLowLimit = "30"
    SanityLowLimitMaxTime = "300"
    SanityLowNewSanityAmount = "40"
    LightLampMinSanityIncrease = "0.1"
    LightLampMaxSanityIncrease = "5"

    Color="0.88 0.82 0.40 0.8"
    Radius = "0.0001"
    Gobo = ""
    LocalOffset = "0.3 -0.3 -0.1"
    TurnOnSound = "ui_lantern_on"
    TurnOffSound = "ui_lantern_off"
    OutOfOilSound = "ui_lantern_off"
    DisabledSound = ""
    CastShadows = "false"
    LowerOilSpeed = "0.23"
    FadeLightOilAmount = "10"


    UpSpeed = "0.8"
    DownSpeed = "0.9"
    StepLength = "0.5"


    ForwardAcc = "8.0"
    SidewayAcc = "8.0"
    ForwardDeacc = "11.0"
    SidewayDeacc = "11.0"
    ForwardOppositeDirAccMul = "9.0"
    SidewayOppositeDirAccMul = "9.0"



    JumpSound = "player_jump"
    CrouchSound = "player_crouch"
    StandSound = "player_stand"
    MaxForwardSpeed = "2.5"
    MaxBackwardSpeed = "2.0"
    MaxSidwaySpeed = "2.25"
    RunForwardMul = "1.7"
    RunBackwardMul = "1.7"
    RunSidewayMul = "1.7"

    CrouchForwardMul = "0.65"
    CrouchBackwardMul = "0.65"
    CrouchSidewayMul = "0.65"

    InAirForwardMul = "0.75"
    InAirBackwardMul = "0.75"
    InAirSidewayMul = "0.75"

    MaxJumpCount = "0.22"
    JumpStartForce = "280"
    JumpCrouchStartForce = "200"

    CrouchBobMax = "0.06 0.04"
    WalkBobMax = "0.03 0.03"
    RunBobMax = "0.05 0.06"

    CrouchMinBobSpeed = "0.2"
    CrouchMaxBobSpeed = "1.2"
    WalkMinBobSpeed = "0.4"
    WalkMaxBobSpeed = "1.8"
    RunMinBobSpeed = "0.5"
    RunMaxBobSpeed = "2.5"
    GroundBounceSize = "0.08"
    GroundBounceSpeed = "2.8"
    MinHitGroundBounceSpeed = "5.0"


    CheckUpdatesPerSecond = "30"
    ClimbLedgeCheckDistForward = "0.2"
    ClimbLedgeCheckDistFromTop = "0.2"
    ClimbLedgeCheckDistTopToEnd = "0.5"
    CheckMaxPushDist = "0.5"
    HeadMoveSpeed = "0.8"
    HeadMoveSlowdownDist = "0.1"
    GivePlayerControlDist = "0.1"
    MovePitchFactor = "4"
    MaxMovePitchSpeed = "5"

(01-09-2012, 11:17 PM)SilentStriker Wrote: [ -> ]Here is my whole game.cfg file Smile

Spoiler below!

    MaxSmoothMousePos = "7"
    PrevSmoothMousePosMul = "0.7"


    InGameMusicVolume = "0.85"


    VoiceTextFontSize = "18 18"
    VoiceTextRowWidth = "600"


    QuestCompletionValue = "30"
    ItemCompletionValue = "5"
    NoteCompletionValue = "10"
    DiaryCompletionValue = "10"
    FlashbackCompletionValue = "10"
    ChestCompletionValue = "20"

    MaxAutoSaves = "20"


    EnemyDarknessGlowMaxDistance = "15"


    EventsFile = "misc/main_sanity_events.cfg"
    MinTimeBetweenEvents = "300"
    MaxEventSanity = "65"
    MaxSanity_LongWait = "65"
    MaxSanity_MedWait = "45"
    MaxSanity_ShortWait = "25"

    TimeBetween_LongWait = "270"
    TimeBetween_MedWait = "180"
    TimeBetween_ShortWait = "80"
    MaxExamineSanity = "50"
    InsanityArea_CheckTimeMin = "1"
    InsanityArea_CheckTimeMax = "15"

    SlimeType0_AttackSound = "slime_attack_normal_hit.snt"
    SlimeType0_AttackPS = ""
    SlimeType0_MinAttackDamage = "5"
    SlimeType0_MaxAttackDamage = "8"
    SlimeType0_ScreenShakeAmount = "0.03"


    FOV = "70"
    FarClipPlane = "400"
    NearClipPlane = "0.01"

    FocusTextFont = "game_default.fnt"

    HeadSpinDamageSpeed = "8"
    HeadSpinDeacc = "40"
    MaxCameraSmoothAngles = "10"
    TerrorSound = "ui_terror_meter.ogg"
    TerrorIncSpeed = "0.33"
    TerrorDecSpeed = "0.2"
    MaxPrevSpeedsSaved = "60"
    AutoKillYPos = "-500"
    FlashbackRadialBlurSize = "0.09"
    FlashbackRadialBlurStartDist = "0.3"
    FlashbackWorldSoundVolume = "0.3"
    FlashbackMoveSpeedMul = "0.6"
    FlashbackRunSpeedMul = "0.6"
    Death_HeightAdd = "-1.3"
    Death_HeightAddCrouch = "-0.7"
    Death_FadeTime = "3"
    Death_MaxSanityGain = "30"
    Death_MaxHealthGain = "30"
    Death_MaxOilGain = "10"
    Death_MinSanityGain = "20"
    Death_MinHealthGain = "20"
    Death_MinOilGain = "0"
    Death_HeightAddSpeed = "1.2"
    Death_RollSpeed = "55"
    Death_StartSound = "player_bodyfall"
    Death_AwakenSound = ""
    InsanityCollapse_HeightAddGoal = "-0.8"
    InsanityCollapse_HeightAddCollapseSpeed = "0.6"
    InsanityCollapse_HeightAddAwakeSpeed = "0.4"
    InsanityCollapse_RollCollapseSpeed = "15"
    InsanityCollapse_RollAwakeSpeed = "10"
    InsanityCollapse_AwakenSanity = "37"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepTime = "12"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepSpeedMul = "0.2"
    InsanityCollapse_WakeUpSpeedMul = "0.5"
    InsanityCollapse_StartSound = "player_bodyfall"
    InsanityCollapse_AwakenSound = "player_stand"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSound = "insanity_ear_ring.ogg"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepLoopSoundVolume = "0.7"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomSound = "step_sneak_rock_rev.snt"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMinTime = "1"
    InsanityCollapse_SleepRandomMaxTime = "3"
    Hurt_EffectStartHealth = "50"
    Hurt_MinSpeedMul = "0.75"
    Hurt_MaxPantCount = "15.0"
    Hurt_PantSpeed = "0.37"
    Hurt_PantSize = "0.01f"
    HealthRegainSpeed = "0.3"
    HealthRegainLimit = "52"
    Hurt_NoiseAlpha = "0.5"
    Hurt_NoiseFreq = "10"
    Hurt_NoiseColor = "0.4 0 0 1"
    SanityGain_Color = "0.3 0.3 0.5 1"
    SanityGain_Sound = "ui_sanity_gain"
    SanityGain_FadeInTime = "0.25"
    SanityGain_FadeOutTime = "1.25"
    HandsRotationSmoothNum = "13"
    HandsPosAddMul = "0.12"
    FallDamageBounceSizeMul = "3.5"
    FallDamageBounceSpeedMul = "0.6"
    FallDamageSpeed_Min = "12"
    FallDamage_Min = "10"
    FallDamageSound_Min = "player_falldamage_min"

    FallDamageSpeed_Med = "14"
    FallDamage_Med = "40"
    FallDamageSound_Med = "player_falldamage_med"

    FallSpeed_Max = "20"
    FallDamage_Max = "100"
    FallDamageSound_Max = "player_falldamage_max"


    GrabMaxForce = "10000"
    GrabMaxTorque = "10000"
    GrabMaxAngularSpeed = "6"
    GrabMinSlowPlayerMass = "10"
    GrabMaxSlowPlayerMass = "25"
    GrabMinSlowPlayerMul = "0.3"
    GrabMaxLeaveAngularSpeed = "8"
    GrabMaxLeaveLinearSpeed = "8"
    PushMaxSpeedWalk = "2"
    PushMaxSpeedRun = "3"
    PushMaxSpeedCrouch = "1.5"
    PushForceWalk = "100"
    PushForceRun = "150"
    PushForceCrouch = "100"
    PushYawRange = "20"
    PushPitchMinRange = "20"
    PushPitchMaxRange = "20"
    PushMaxForce = "10000"
    MoveToMouseAddFactor = "0.01"
    MoveMaxForce = "10000"
    SlideMaxForce = "10000"
    Default_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Grab_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Push_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Slide_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    SwingDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "3"
    Lever_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Wheel_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Item_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    LevelDoor_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    MultiSlider_DefaultMaxFocusDist = "2"
    Commentary_MaxFocusDist = "3"
    Ladder_MaxFocusDist = "2.3"
    Examine_MaxFocusDist = "2.5"
    Sign_MaxFocusDist = "3.6"
    ScriptArea_MaxFocusDist = "2"
    MinUseItemDistance = "3"

    Mass = "70"
    Size = "0.8 1.8 0.8"
    CrouchSize = "0.8 1.2 0.8"
    GravityForce = "0 -20 0"
    CameraPosAdd = "0 -0.05 0"
    CameraSmoothPosNum = "10"
    AccurateClimbing = "true"
    MaxNoSlideSlopeAngle = "45"
    MaxPushMass = "10"
    PushForce = "55"
    CharacterMaxPushMass = "15"
    CharacterPushForce = "100"
    MaxStepSize = "0.4"
    MaxStepSizeInAir = "0.1"
    StepClimbSpeed = "5.0"


    MinLightLevel = "0.15"
    RadiusAdd = "3"
    AmbientLightMinLightLevel = "0.2"
    AmbientLightRadius = "6.5"
    AmbientLightIntensity = "0.32"
    AmbientLightFadeInTime = "2.8"
    AmbientLightFadeOutTime = "2.3"    
    AmbientLightColor = "0.5 0.5 1 0"    
    LoopSoundFile  = "player_darkness.ogg"
    LoopSoundVolume = "0.2"
    LoopSoundStartupTime = "1.0"
    LoopSoundFadeInSpeed = "0.05"
    LoopSoundFadeOutSpeed = "0.4"
    SanityLossPerSecond = "0.2"

    HitZoomInSpeed = "3.5"
    HitZoomOutSpeed = "0.6"
    HitZoomInFOVMul = "0.06"
    HitZoomInAspectMul = "0.15"
    SanityRegainSpeed = "0.075"
    SanityRegainLimit = "51"
    SanityVeryLowLimit = "20"
    SanityEffectsStart = "65"
    SanityWaveAlphaMul = "1"
    SanityWaveSpeedMul = "1"
    CheckNearEnemyInterval = "0.3"
    NearEnemyDecrease = "0.3"
    NearCritterDecrease = "0.1"
    StartSwayMaxSanity = "15"
    SwayMaxSavedPositions = "30"
    SanityLowLimit = "30"
    SanityLowLimitMaxTime = "300"
    SanityLowNewSanityAmount = "40"
    LightLampMinSanityIncrease = "0.1"
    LightLampMaxSanityIncrease = "5"

    Color="0.88 0.82 0.40 0.8"
    Radius = "0.0001"
    Gobo = ""
    LocalOffset = "0.3 -0.3 -0.1"
    TurnOnSound = "ui_lantern_on"
    TurnOffSound = "ui_lantern_off"
    OutOfOilSound = "ui_lantern_off"
    DisabledSound = ""
    CastShadows = "false"
    LowerOilSpeed = "0.23"
    FadeLightOilAmount = "10"


    UpSpeed = "0.8"
    DownSpeed = "0.9"
    StepLength = "0.5"


    ForwardAcc = "8.0"
    SidewayAcc = "8.0"
    ForwardDeacc = "11.0"
    SidewayDeacc = "11.0"
    ForwardOppositeDirAccMul = "9.0"
    SidewayOppositeDirAccMul = "9.0"



    JumpSound = "player_jump"
    CrouchSound = "player_crouch"
    StandSound = "player_stand"
    MaxForwardSpeed = "2.5"
    MaxBackwardSpeed = "2.0"
    MaxSidwaySpeed = "2.25"
    RunForwardMul = "1.7"
    RunBackwardMul = "1.7"
    RunSidewayMul = "1.7"

    CrouchForwardMul = "0.65"
    CrouchBackwardMul = "0.65"
    CrouchSidewayMul = "0.65"

    InAirForwardMul = "0.75"
    InAirBackwardMul = "0.75"
    InAirSidewayMul = "0.75"

    MaxJumpCount = "0.22"
    JumpStartForce = "280"
    JumpCrouchStartForce = "200"

    CrouchBobMax = "0.06 0.04"
    WalkBobMax = "0.03 0.03"
    RunBobMax = "0.05 0.06"

    CrouchMinBobSpeed = "0.2"
    CrouchMaxBobSpeed = "1.2"
    WalkMinBobSpeed = "0.4"
    WalkMaxBobSpeed = "1.8"
    RunMinBobSpeed = "0.5"
    RunMaxBobSpeed = "2.5"
    GroundBounceSize = "0.08"
    GroundBounceSpeed = "2.8"
    MinHitGroundBounceSpeed = "5.0"


    CheckUpdatesPerSecond = "30"
    ClimbLedgeCheckDistForward = "0.2"
    ClimbLedgeCheckDistFromTop = "0.2"
    ClimbLedgeCheckDistTopToEnd = "0.5"
    CheckMaxPushDist = "0.5"
    HeadMoveSpeed = "0.8"
    HeadMoveSlowdownDist = "0.1"
    GivePlayerControlDist = "0.1"
    MovePitchFactor = "4"
    MaxMovePitchSpeed = "5"

Thank you so much. I don't know if this fixed it, but I replaced it, it didn't do anything when I hit "Continue" in the main menu, so I thought to restart the whole game and hit "New Game" and it works wonders =] I can finally go back to playing!

I really don't get what was wrong with this thing >>