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Full Version: Newbie. Script problem.
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Very simple script at the moment, very new to custom story making. I keep getting this error...

"FATAL ERROR: Could not load script file
main (13,1) : ERR : Unexpected token '{'"

this is my script, yes, I know it's basic. Hehehe. Could somebody tell me what is wrong with it?

void OnStart()
AddEntityCollideCallback("Player", "roomareaone", "Collideroomareaone", true, 1);
SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback("cellar_wood01_slow_1", "Roar1", true);

void Collideroomareaone(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
SetSwingDoorClosed("cellar_wood01_slow_1", true, true);

void Roar1(string &in asEntity);
PlaySoundAtEntity("Roar1", "brute/enabled.snt", "Roar1", 0, false);
Remove the ";" from the end of "void Roar1(string &in asEntity)" and that should solve your problem.
(07-15-2012, 04:49 AM)andyrockin123 Wrote: [ -> ]Remove the ";" from the end of "void Roar1(string &in asEntity)" and that should solve your problem.
Thank you ever so much.