Frictional Games Forum (read-only)

Full Version: Weird bug, although the game works fine
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le specs:
GPU: ASUS HD7770 (Bought this spring, planning to get more ram next year)
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 (2.2 GHz)
OS: Windows 7 64-bit

So here I am starting a new game and recording some video with fraps when my eyes see this:

[Image: 2d5e4e728fcd0dec7d66a30a74dab57d860.bmp]

And it's not just there, it's f****g everywhere where that goo-like stuff is, in the lab's corners, on this door here:

[Image: 8aff8cc1ae55b2443142df90c3129545468.bmp]