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Hello friends, I am creating a new story and I need a personalized help with a script. If you have not played the amnesia story, but on the map there are three puzzles 13_machine_room and'm copying because I loved it. The problem is that I work on my map. For example when you have to get the three little pieces in a machine, I do not accept them, tells me that this object does not fit or when you have to turn up and down the 6 levers.

Then I leave here the script that or I say it as guidance.

// Run first time starting map
void OnStart()
for(int i=1;i<7;i++){
SetEntityConnectionStateChangeCallback("lever_"+i, "LeverRiddle");

// Run when entering map
void OnEnter()



// Run when leaving map
void OnLeave()


void UseRod(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)

if(GetLocalVarInt(asEntity) == 1){
//SetMessage("MapsLevel03-2", "SlotToken", 0);

PlaySoundAtEntity("clank", "impact_generic_hard_low", asEntity, 0.5f, false);

if(asItem == "guiding_rod01_1" && asEntity == "ra01"){
SetLocalVarString(asItem, asEntity+"_correct");
else if(asItem == "guiding_rod02_1" && asEntity == "ra02"){
SetLocalVarString(asItem, asEntity+"_correct");
else if(asItem == "guiding_rod03_1" && asEntity == "ra03"){
SetLocalVarString(asItem, asEntity+"_correct");
} else {
SetLocalVarString(asItem, asEntity+"_error");


CreateEntityAtArea(asItem, asItem, "magic_"+asEntity, true);

SetEntityCallbackFunc(asItem, "PickRod");

SetLocalVarInt(asEntity, 1);

AddLocalVarInt("RodsInPosition", 1);

if(GetLocalVarString("guiding_rod01") == "ra01_correct" && GetLocalVarString("guiding_rod02") == "ra02_correct" &&
GetLocalVarString("guiding_rod03") == "ra03_correct"){

//setMessage("", "", 0);////////////////////////7777

SetLocalVarInt("GuideOK", 1);

PlaySoundAtEntity("done"+asItem, "13_press_done.snt", "magic_"+asEntity, 0, false);

for(int i=1;i<=6;i++){
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("PreesP"+i, "", "PressParticles"+i, true);
PlaySoundAtEntity("PressS"+i, "13_steam", "PressParticles_"+i, 0.5, true);

for(int i=1;i<=3;i++)
SetEntityInteractionDisabled("guiding_rod0"+i, true);


/*Incorrect rod positions*/
if(GetLocalVarInt("RodsInPosition") == 3){
PlaySoundAtEntity("error1", "13_press_fail.snt", "magic_"+asEntity, 0, false);
PlaySoundAtEntity("error2", "17_attach_crank.snt", "magic_"+asEntity, 0.5f, false);

AddDebugMessage(asItem+" Value: "+GetLocalVarInt(asItem), false);

void PickRod(string &in asEntity, string &in asType){
/*If a rod is removed, set the area to empty
if(StringContains(GetLocalVarString(asEntity), "ra01")){
SetLocalVarInt("ra01", 0);
PlaySoundAtEntity("s"+asEntity, "13_rod_out", "ra01", 0, false);
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("p"+asEntity, "", "ra01", false);
else if(StringContains(GetLocalVarString(asEntity), "ra02")){
SetLocalVarInt("ra02", 0);
PlaySoundAtEntity("s"+asEntity, "13_rod_out", "ra02", 0, false);
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("p"+asEntity, "", "ra02", false);
else if(StringContains(GetLocalVarString(asEntity), "ra03")){
SetLocalVarInt("ra03", 0);
PlaySoundAtEntity("s"+asEntity, "13_rod_out", "ra03", 0, false);
CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("p"+asEntity, "", "ra03", false);

AddLocalVarInt("RodsInPosition", -1);

SetLocalVarString(asEntity, "_error");

AddDebugMessage(asEntity+" Value: "+GetLocalVarString(asEntity), false);

void LeverRiddle(string &in asEntity, int alState)

if(alState == -1){
if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_1") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 3);
else if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_2") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 3);
else if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_3") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 5);
else if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_4") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 1);
else if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_5") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 2);
else if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_6") SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 4);

AddDebugMessage("Lever Min & up value: " + GetLocalVarInt("up_value"), false);
else if(alState == 1){
if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_1") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 1);
else if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_2") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 5);
else if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_3") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 4);
else if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_4") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 5);
else if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_5") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 2);
else if(asEntity == "lever_machine_lever01_6") SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 2);

AddDebugMessage("Lever Max & down value: " + GetLocalVarInt("down_value"), false);
else if(alState == 0){
SetLocalVarInt("up_"+asEntity, 0);
SetLocalVarInt("down_"+asEntity, 0);

AddDebugMessage("Lever Mid", false);

/*All levers correct
if(GetLocalVarInt("up_value") == 8 && GetLocalVarInt("down_value") == 8)

for(int i=1;i<7;i++)
SetLeverStuckState("lever_"+i, GetLeverState("lever_"+i), true);

void CheckValue(string sEntity)
PlaySoundAtEntity("s"+sEntity, "lever_mech_min_max", sEntity, 0.0f, false);

SetLocalVarInt("up_value", 0);
SetLocalVarInt("down_value", 0);

for(int i=1;i<=6;i++){
AddLocalVarInt("up_value", GetLocalVarInt("up_lever_"+i));
AddLocalVarInt("down_value", GetLocalVarInt("down_lever_"+i));

Thank you very much and I hope you understand my English xD because I'm Spanish.
I'd love to help, but this is so complicated to me. I just learned about these "LocalVarInt" parts, so I don't know how to use these.

Maybe somebody else will help?