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Full Version: What does "+=" do?
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i saw it in the code lock script
( ) from NaxEla

i couldnt find it anywhere else.

void PressedButton(string &in entity)
    int buttonsPressed;
    AddLocalVarInt("ButtonsPressed", 1);
    playersGuessedCode += GetButtonPressed(entity);    /// HERE
    buttonsPressed = GetLocalVarInt("ButtonsPressed");
    AddDebugMessage("Buttons Pressed: "+buttonsPressed+"  Guessed Code: "+playersGuessedCode, false);
    if(playersGuessedCode == correctCode) {
        SetSwingDoorLocked("door", false, false);
        for(int i=0; i<=9; i++) {
            SetEntityActive("Button_"+i, true);
        AddDebugMessage("Correct code!", false);
    if(buttonsPressed == 4) {
        AddDebugMessage("Wrong code!", false);
i += 1 is the same as i = i+1;
so it actually just says "add"?
yes, i += x "add x to i, and store in variable i"

but you can also do -=, *=, /=
Got to refresh my brain for an hour after reading this.