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Full Version: Gamma adjustment doesn't work
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Sam as for Amnesia TDD.

Steam version of the game.
Fedora 19 64 bit
AMD HD 3650 Catalyst 13.1
It is the same issue as before and the work around is the same,
(09-10-2013, 06:48 PM)jens Wrote: [ -> ]It is the same issue as before and the work around is the same,
Well, it's rather wrong on the subject. Gamma adjustment for non-steam version of the game works just fine.
When I had a go with a none steam version during testing, the gamma did not work, so it seems correct. As in there is an issue with certain configurations and regardless of cause you can work around it by using a third party utility. If you are nifty, and I am sure I have seen it on the forum, you can write a launch script to set the gamma, start the game, then reset the gamma as the game closes.