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Full Version: Weird performance behavior on a low-end system
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Mobility Radeon HD3650, 1680x1050 native resolution, Catalyst 13.1
C2D 2.5 GHz

Consider this:
Preset 1:
SSAO: minimum
Shadows: medium/medium
Posteffects, Smoothing, Vsync: disabled
All other: enabled or high

Preset 2:
SSAO: disabled
Shadows: disabled
Posteffects, Smoothing, Vsync: disabled
All other: disabled or lowest

(1) Now, the difference between performance for the two presets is not noticeable. I bet it wouldn't be noticeable either if I added some post effects to the Preset 1 Dodgy

(2) Also, in the corridors (small rooms) I get ~20-25 FPS while in big rooms with lots of lights I get mere ~10 FPS.

Any thoughts on that? How is (1) possible? Can the cause of (2) be slightly eased by fiddling with config files?
Can only recommend to play with lower resolution, the computer is below the minimum requierments, in particular the graphics card.
I know. I don't expect much here. I started the topic more for academics. TBH, I've never seen a game to perform equally on minimum vs on med-high settings. It's kind of weird to enable one, two, five and so on effects without observing a slightest performance drop.