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Full Version: Fullscreen in Penumbra
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Pages: 1 2
(09-06-2010, 06:23 PM)Scraper Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-06-2010, 05:41 PM)SuddenJonatan Wrote: [ -> ]FULLSCREEN IS WORKING THANKS GUYS

Can you tell us what you did?
(if someone else is having the same problem than you...)

i putted 1366 and 768 instea of what already was dident work the first time
AND BTW how do i kill the dog? I know i need to go back and pick up a manual of somesort
I think it's just better to pretend that the dogs are immortal.
Once you learn how to kill the dogs, the game loses a bit of it's scaryness.
Where is the ingniton key? Need to start the machine tinghy.
It's in the same area as the gas can.
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