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Full Version: Entity unlock
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I know the desk door and door-like entities can be locked, I was just wondering about drawers or other items. Then and again, it probably would be simpler to just use the desk door, but just in case...
Try SetPropObjectStuckState(string& asName, int alState); setting alState to 0. It will still be interactive though, so you can try SetEntityInteractionDisabled(string& asName, bool abDisabled); to make it static.
Stuck state? what's that do?
Hm maybe you can make the drawers static so you cant interact with them at all and add a script over it so when you click it says "stuck" or something. then when you use an item on it, the static gets replaced with an drawer_entity.
That's the problem: selecting individual drawers. I have no idea how you would do that.
You'd have to edit the desk in modeleditor. If you want some drawers locked and some not you would have to make them all separate entities.

Well, it's not that big of a problem, I was just wondering if there was a simple solution.
There is a simple solution. Add an interactable area covering the desk's drawer. The player won't be able to click the drawer, he will interact with the area. Upon interaction add a locked sound and a locked message. That is how I locked a chest in belphegor.
Edit: Simply use precision in the case of several drawers.
whooaa.... now that's thinking. Smile

I bet there are other interesting applications for that. Thanks for the help Big Grin
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