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FPS limited to 60 even without the V-Sync
Spec Ops

Not Solved FPS limited to 60 even without the V-Sync
System specs:
i7-6700K processor
AMD RX 480 8GB video card
16GB DDR4 3200MHz memory
Samsung 850 Pro 256GB SSD


So basically I've been trying to get rid of the FPS lock and I cannot do that. I searched a topic and tried to set the (Engine LimitFPS="true") to (Engine LimitFPS="false") in both the "default_main_settings.cfg" and "default_main_settings_sdl2.cfg" files, nothing seems to work at all. I took them off the file and my FPS is still locked at 60.

I have a 1080p 144Hz monitor with FreeSync(eliminates both screen-tearing and stuttering) so I don't need the option called V-Sync.

The problem with FPS being locked at 60 is that it gives me some micro stuttering when it drops to 59, 58, etc. I want to get rid of it.

P.S. I have all my video settings maxed out.

Please help me out.
Best regards.
09-18-2016, 04:06 PM
Mudbill Offline

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Not Solved RE: FPS limited to 60 even without the V-Sync
Using a dev environment I can read that after setting LimitFPS to false, I get around 300 FPS, however I can tell that only 60 are outputted anyway. I think this is a part of the engine and I have not found a way to enable higher rates. Some games are just like that.

(This post was last modified: 09-18-2016, 09:54 PM by Mudbill.)
09-18-2016, 09:53 PM
Spec Ops

Not Solved RE: FPS limited to 60 even without the V-Sync
(09-18-2016, 09:53 PM)Mudbill Wrote: Using a dev environment I can read that after setting LimitFPS to false, I get around 300 FPS, however I can tell that only 60 are outputted anyway. I think this is a part of the engine and I have not found a way to enable higher rates. Some games are just like that.

Well, that's very very disappointing. They should have taken it more seriously and actually allowed higher frame rates. So in short, there's no smooth gameplay with this game.

Thanks for the reply and greatly appreciate your help.
09-30-2016, 07:46 PM

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