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Things that would have made Amnesia scarier
Serja Offline
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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

One of the things that kind of broke the immersion for me a little was in the Morgue.

Spoiler below!
When the Brute smashes down the door and comes in you can hear it tearing the room to bits, but when it leaves and you slide out of wherever you hid, the room is untouched. It would have been great if they had been able to tear the room up to match with the awful noises it made.

As for sanity scares, the one that really got me is when your screen suddenly gets a red tinge to it. I thought I'd somehow missed a monster sneaking up on me (I was in the machine room for the elevator at the time) and I just about lost it. The hanging meat is a little odd, but on one occasion when I got it it was so obviously a hallucination that I just ignored it. If it had been a dangling corpse instead of dangling porcine, then I probably would have wigged out.
01-02-2012, 03:31 AM

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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier - by Serja - 01-02-2012, 03:31 AM

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