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Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays
J.R.S.S. Offline

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RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays

Men tend to see the reflection in the mirror not what they wish it to be. A whole entity different from whom they see themselves thus creating two beings of separate minds but of close resemblance. From one way council is not needed to be saved from destruction. That speaks of just one path, one way to the salvation that is spoken of. If destruction is what we comprehend it to be then violence contributes to that being. What is judgment but the harsh act of comparing ones life to another? I speak again of observation is not an empty word. Once observed diving into poverty one may use the knowledge that that being posses to take another path or if it wishes to stay on that path. Who are we to judge one mans path from our own? Gods we are not. Morals we stand and rights we share but powerless over such ideas. A wish a wish I only give to the great people; all do not follow such a way. Judgment is given and violence is issued. If judgment can be so right as one may say then let it be kindness. Though to the mind of most, it is used for the personal act of thyself in it's way of thinking.

The two peers need not each other to function. Observation acts on what one man sees in another and then uses what he has seen to what could be done to improve that mans being. Not from his own feelings or personal morals but from learning of the other mans own morals and reasons. Learning is the answer to the never ending question of judgment or observation. Why call out to judgment when there is more to learn? Once a man sees that he is being judged not then the more the one observing will discover. Judgment is always in error. Judgment again is only told by one mans thoughts and morals. If even one being disagrees then the judgment is at an error. Can one disagree with a observation? If one truly knows how such a process functions then no. No one may disagree unless being wronged by himself. Judgments brother is Should. The word without a meaning. To the universe it is empty while to a single mind with judgment it is everything. Though to each man it is his own, not alike the others. If Judgment and Should are brothers then Violence is the father. For it spawns the two to integrate into the human mind, lashing out uncontrolled thoughts without reason or patience. Judgments do not exist if taken time to think. If the time is taken then the man with the thought will begin it's own salvation to the reasoning of learning and no rash thought.

Ocean is more ancient than the mountains, and freighted with the memories and the dreams of Time.
H.P. Lovecraft
"The White Ship"
02-02-2012, 08:05 AM
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays - by Sel - 01-26-2012, 04:55 PM
RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays - by Sel - 01-26-2012, 05:34 PM
RE: Mainstream Games are so bad nowadays - by J.R.S.S. - 02-02-2012, 08:05 AM

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