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Daniel(Amnesia) and Philip(Penumbra) in Video Game Graphics
MasterTheMind Offline
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RE: Daniel(Amnesia) and Philip(Penumbra) in Video Game Graphics

(04-17-2012, 05:24 AM)Hunter of Shadows Wrote: I was never on your back(lol) but usually when someone says something negative I'd expect them to also tell me what could I fix, but if they leave place a negative comment with nothing else, don't expect a positive reply, and you don't have to give your opinion if you have nothing good to say unless you have good reasons to do so.
(04-17-2012, 01:49 AM)MasterTheMind Wrote: Its not like they got big eyes do they? if you got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
(04-17-2012, 01:31 AM)Hunter of Shadows Wrote: I don't really like how they look to be honest, they look too animeish
If you can't handle criticism, and I'm talking the criticism that isn't outright flaming or completely rude/hostile(which mine wasn't).

Then don't share with us, you asked us all, and I quote "What do you think?" And you got different opinions as we told you, and now that you got an opinion that isn't "I like it." You're mad at me, that's really not cool bro, I didn't say the art was bad, I just said "I don't like it." It doesn't do anything for me, I don't think "Omg that's really bad." I just think "Not my thing."

Okay? So let's calm down and stop reading more into what I said then what I actually said, I don't deserve your hostility, I just said it's not my thing, if you want my full opinion.

It looks good, the colors aren't too bright nor are they too dark and gritty, yes they look like hunter and Ezio, but anyone who says that shouldn't be using it as a criticism, it's not a big deal, it still looks great.

And now that I thought about it, they don't look that much like animeish type characters, I was just trying to explain how I felt, and ultimately

8/10 art, but I don't like it...so can we get off my back now? Big Grin

04-17-2012, 12:26 PM
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RE: Daniel(Amnesia) and Philip(Penumbra) in Video Game Graphics - by MasterTheMind - 04-17-2012, 12:26 PM

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