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Possible Custom Story: Luigi's Mansion?
Mine Turtle Offline
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RE: Possible Custom Story: Luigi's Mansion?

(05-16-2012, 09:26 PM)kman Wrote: ...What? I actually think it could be pretty fun/interesting if done right. Just because it's not a super immersive mod with a deep story that will make you think doesn't mean it can't be good. Now, before I get yelled at fro being a hypocrite for expressing... Negative opinions towards joke maps, there's a difference. Those maps tend to be INCREDIBLY low quality (IE terrible level design with a bajillion mapping and lighting errors that look like they were made in 5 minutes), if someone made a joke map, or in this case a not-strictly-scary map, that's also kind of amusing and the creator put some actual effort into it, then I'd be totally fine with it. It's just up to this point every custom story that's tried to be amusing (other than Dark Room actually) has been terrible.

Though this actually does look pretty interesting, and from what you've said it sounds like you're putting some effort into it, with making all new models and such. I'd say if you wanna do it, go for it. As for a tutorial, I haven't looked into it myself but I heard Yourcomputer's noob to pro tutorial is pretty good.
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05-16-2012, 09:27 PM

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RE: Possible Custom Story: Luigi's Mansion? - by Mine Turtle - 05-16-2012, 09:27 PM

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