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2012-06 Friday 15th, Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs Teaser Released
Bridge Offline
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RE: 2012-06 Friday 15th, Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs Teaser Released

(06-24-2012, 04:40 AM)zakhennahr Wrote: I notice the wikipedia says some mechanics are changed out. Might a simple, evil older brother request that truly random monster encounters are implemented? If not truly random, at least do something along the lines of "Here are 10 possible monster spawns in this level, Pr[spawn | location x] = .2", or something like that. I think random monsters would make this game exactly what I need it to be to turn from a rational adult male to a screeching little girl. The pig noises of the monster definitely help with that transformation Smile. And then I get to indulge my Schadenfreude syndrome by letting my little brother play it in the dark >Big GrinDD
For sure. Better yet would be to have patrolling enemies though.
06-25-2012, 07:41 PM

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RE: 2012-06 Friday 15th, Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs Teaser Released - by Bridge - 06-25-2012, 07:41 PM

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