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The (Least) Favorite aspects of your culture.
Macgyverthehero Offline
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RE: The (Least) Favorite aspects of your culture.

In my opinion the least favorite thing about our culture these days is:

Teenagers (Mostly the ones with their pants down.)

I just HATE seeing most teenagers these days, like what they wear, what they do, and what they say. How is it "swag" to have your pants down to your knees? It is so disgusting to see teenagers with their pants down showing off their smelly, soiled underwear.

Plus the flat cap hats they wear is darn annoying, every time they wear it there is always a sticker on them which they claim it to be "a special sticker that makes your hat swag". How the hell is a damn plastic sticker on a flyboy cap special? I can get from from a dollar store for 10 cents!

Also, I REALLY HATE teenage slang these days including the words Swag, Dawg, and YOLO. Only a person who has their pants down while wearing a flat cap while texting would say those stupid words.

Jeese... those teenagers might only live once, but james bond only lives twice!

Last thing is texting. It is just embarrassing to be in this civilization surrounded in school with this technology. What ever happened to using phones? Or Email? Or just talking to a friend in person!

I have no idea what went wrong...

[Image: Keo88b.gif]
09-12-2012, 09:32 PM

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RE: The (Least) Favorite aspects of your culture. - by Macgyverthehero - 09-12-2012, 09:32 PM

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