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The (Least) Favorite aspects of your culture.
kartanonperuna Offline
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RE: The (Least) Favorite aspects of your culture.

Dunno whats the fucking big deal with iphones anyway.Theyre fucking expensive and break easily.Nokia on the other hand is reliable and not as expensive.Plus its damn finnish made so you know its good.

I hear all the time how kids whine to their parents about wanting iphone and then after couple months ,the phone falls off their pocket to the floor and it breaks.Weak made piece of shit.I dont even get why you have to have such fancy phones .I still have old nokia phone and no problems at all.Phone is made for calling.Why you need touch screen and all that fancy stuff?Waste of money I say.

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09-17-2012, 05:18 PM
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RE: The (Least) Favorite aspects of your culture. - by kartanonperuna - 09-17-2012, 05:18 PM

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