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The (Least) Favorite aspects of your culture.
the dark side Offline
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RE: The (Least) Favorite aspects of your culture.

well, for UK context blooglford, lets look at the recent issues over that horrible film thats caused such a furore in the muslim community (and understandably so!), as that affects the US as well, so it should be something you can identify with.

recently, A bunch of rather more radical Fundamentalist followers of the Islamic religion (who, may i add, were all born in the UK!) were parading through London waving placards saying "allah wants all christian heathens burned!", and the police did nothing, yet when a christian citizen said "if they beleive that then why are they living in a predominantly christian society?" HE got arrested for racism!

it is totally unbalanced! they were being even MORE racist if you ask me for holding up such EVIL statements! and all because of a silly, racist, little film made by some Egyptian Born faschist who DARES call himself "christian" (he isnt... no way!) who isnt worth the time of day! let alone the effort of actually staging a march!

they should not have been allowed to get away with such horrible, evil, statements simply because there were Arabic, they should have been arrested!

bit of an extreme example i know, but, im not very good at explaining things to others so i often do have to use more extreme examples in order to be understood.
(This post was last modified: 09-23-2012, 07:30 PM by the dark side.)
09-23-2012, 07:21 PM

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RE: The (Least) Favorite aspects of your culture. - by the dark side - 09-23-2012, 07:21 PM

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