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Metal Gear Solid:Megathread "snake? Snake? Snaaaaakeee!!"
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RE: Metal Gear Solid:Megathread "snake? Snake? Snaaaaakeee!!"

(10-10-2012, 09:48 PM)the dark side Wrote:
(10-10-2012, 09:38 PM)Bridge Wrote:
(10-10-2012, 09:26 PM)the dark side Wrote: you dont want to play MGS5 or revegence before MGS4, as MGS4, no spoilers here, explains the story behind the entire metal gear series, going all the way back to "metal gear" on MSX. its an awesome story. you really got to borrow a mates PS3 bridge and set aside a good 20 hours, its worth it. but be warned, one of the cutscenes is 2 hours long! so dont play the game on a time limit!

MGS1 is the best one i think, its got the best mix of story and gameplay, the soundtrack is Awesome, one of the best soundtracks ive ever heard in a spy game, Mantis gives me chills every time, plus, tell me one real world set action game after MGS that hasn't had the player fight a Helicopter at one point, its iconic! think ive clocked it about 12 times,. it doesnt get old.
Believe me, the cutscenes are the main reason I play the games. But 2 hours seems overkill even for MGS. Is there any way to pause the cutscenes this time? Anyway I don't know anyone with a PS3; I'm seriously considering buying one just for MGS4 though. Might be able to get myself one for Christmas (I just upgraded my PC so I'm flat broke at the moment). Still, I have no interest in PS3 apart from that and Siren: Blood Curse and maybe a few other games so it seems like a huge waste of money.

agreed. MGS is all about its wonderfull story. yes, you can pause the cutscenes in MGS4. dont worry, yes, that cutscene is very long... but, its also the best cutscene in the game, it is Spec-tac-u-lar! and i dont use that word often!

ps3 is a bit of a waste of money at full price, it doesnt have Anti Aliasing, and its very noisy when running, its also prone to just "freezing up" for no reason. its also got a horrible official pad with "sawn off" trigger keys with no surrounds, but you can get aftermarket ones wich have trigger button surrounds like the old PS1 and 2 pads.

i have seen used 200 gig model PS3's for about £60 though, the price of one AAA boredom fest these days, so it may not be such a waste at that price. games to go for are Siren, MGS4, and if you want a real Howl, try the "ratchet and clank" games, they are hilarious, plus, they are also rather difficult!

shame Gran Turismo 5 is, and a lot of people agree from what ive seen on the internet, a total utter let down, some even call it a disaster. i actually baught my ps3 for GT5.. i wasnt too happy when i rented it and found it to be pants.

But, yeah, MGS4 is awesome, its well worth the outlay, then weve got "Metal gear solid: ground zero" coming next year wich sees you playing as Big Boss in 1986, with open world levels, vehicles, and even better stealth, i think that is going to be more than worth keeping an eye on.
And it's going to be on PC (or so I've heard)!

Also, I love the Ratchet & Clank games. They were on PS2 though, unless you're talking about PS3 exclusive R&C games, which I haven't heard of.
10-10-2012, 09:57 PM

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RE: Metal Gear Solid:Megathread "snake? Snake? Snaaaaakeee!!" - by Bridge - 10-10-2012, 09:57 PM

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