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Amnesia - The Dark Descent - Castle Of Devastating Diseases
pil Offline
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RE: Amnesia - The Dark Descent - Castle Of Devastating Diseases

Hello. I am enjoying the story so far. Here is my review

Spoiler below!

Story:I found it to be a good story so far.

Mapping: Overall the mapping seems pretty good. I didn't see any obvious glitching of like walls, doors, corners etc. As someone said previously, the large room was weird in the fact it only had a couple doors and the rest just space. I'm not too picky on stuff like that however for people who like to see consistent rooms, this might be something to improve on. You can put more stuff in it or have a purpose for it.

Lighting: Some areas can be improved for example the beginning hallway. I couldn't really see the floor or anything and I had to double check my video settings to see if it was something on my end. Other random places were a little dark and the pre-lit candles didn't light as much as they should I don't think. For example that one room where you had all the candles on the sides of the ledges.

Sound/Music:I thought it was good choice of ambient music and ambient scary sounds. For awhile I kept thinking that chain rattling was actually something happening, but then found out it was just an ambient sound. I could swear that the music in the dorms is from FEAR. It just sounds familiar. Anyways I think the sounds were good.

Atmosphere/Scares:Some of the rooms and scenes were scary when they were meant to be. Few random jump scares which is a good thing. This combined with the sounds made it pretty scary in some parts.


Remarks: Overall good so far. I am enjoying it so far. I think people already mentioned earlier about your pic in the post. Seems it wasn't too related to the topic and one can skip that room without impact (I think). Anyways in like part 3 or 4 I took care of the room as you will see. I am current stuck in the main hall area. I hit the button in the library area and I don't know what to do next. I may try to figure it out later or see if someone posts a hit.

10-18-2012, 01:40 AM

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RE: Amnesia - The Dark Descent - Castle Of Devastating Diseases - by pil - 10-18-2012, 01:40 AM

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