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Human Brain's reaction to Scary Stuff
Melvin Offline

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RE: Human Brain's reaction to Scary Stuff

(10-25-2012, 08:15 PM)Chronofox Wrote: I'd go with height, blood, worms, and many-legged creatures as my main phobias. Not sure how that's relevant to the thread, but everyone is discussing them.

On-topic: Personally, I think doubt is the largest root of fear. Not all animals can comprehend uncertainty, or at least be in an "uncertain" state; somewhere along our evolutionary line we learned that there are things we're unsure of, such as who's hiding behind our backs, and that made us more cautious and thus more able to survive.

(10-25-2012, 12:05 PM)andyrockin123 Wrote: No irrational fears of boogie-men under the bed, or Kman hiding in your closet at night.
Why would you ever be scared of something like that?
If you know about those stories, imagine you're looking at that closet at the end of your room. The closet is a little bit open. If you think about those things, like the Kman, you'll keep looking at that closet and keep thinking about it.

If you're kinda paranoid, you'll hear stuff inside your closet, or your mind lets you think that there are eyes peeking at you.

Could be pretty scary.

[Image: 25F7U37.png]
10-25-2012, 08:55 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Human Brain's reaction to Scary Stuff - by Melvin - 10-25-2012, 02:54 AM
RE: Human Brain's reaction to Scary Stuff - by Melvin - 10-25-2012, 08:55 PM

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