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Famale Charchters in Videogames: The Opposite of "attractive" would it work?
Bridge Offline
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RE: Famale Charchters in Videogames: The Opposite of "attractive" would it work?

I'm sorry but what is the point of all this?

EDIT: Shame on me for not reading the entire post I guess. Still, I think it is a total non-issue. In fact even thinking about it makes me sick. It all owes to our indomitable urge to reproduce and as much as possible as that. We may pretend like we are above it and renounce our natural desires but on a primal level that's the only reason we even exist. It's usually a subconscious thing but some people use it to their advantage. Anyway, long story short optimal physical features are appealing to us so that's what we look for. Anybody who "doesn't care about appearance" is lying to themselves (or asexual). There's nothing sexist about it, it's just a fact of life. The sexism sometimes comes in when the characterization is ignored, but some video game developers just don't know how to write believable characters. Usually if there are shallow, insipid female characters you can be sure the male characters are going to be just as shallow.
(This post was last modified: 12-14-2012, 12:04 AM by Bridge.)
12-13-2012, 11:40 PM

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RE: Famale Charchters in Videogames: The Opposite of "attractive" would it work? - by Bridge - 12-13-2012, 11:40 PM

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