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Argoon Offline

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RE: Consoles?????!?!?!?!??!@!@!@

(06-11-2009, 10:33 PM)nackidno Wrote: Which I believe has something to do with the recent pirating of software.

Piracy is not recent, it exists ever since PC's became common. Piracy is also very huge on consoles i know of people that have a PS2 and no original PS2 games afaik piracy on consoles is easer them on PC after you "chip" the console, and i bet the same is true for "next gen" consoles.

Why theres more talk about piracy on PC's? I think is because theres more PC's them consoles and more people with "know how" in the PC world as to pirate a game. Also game developers always hated the PC because of the infinite amount of configurations that they need to work with, consoles are more appealing to them because of the closed architecture and so any excuse for them to leave PC's is welcome.

After this i need to say that i don't condone or like Piracy but i would lie if i said i don't have pirated software or games because i have (everyone has), Penumbra is not one of them i bought all of them one from retail and the others online from gamersgate i also have 20 original games on Steam. I will always buy the games that have quality and the teams deserve to be helped.
06-11-2009, 11:57 PM

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Consoles?????!?!?!?!??!@!@!@ - by deadlyposion - 06-04-2009, 11:37 PM

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