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Can the sexism in these types of games stop?
Statyk Offline
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RE: Can the sexism in these types of games stop?

I am a bit defensive because it's false accusations on the industry in a way. It was said there was almost no women in newer games. While I can kind of agree to there being a smaller ratio of men:women, I think it's a bit nonsensical to leave out any that DO exist simply because more games have male protagonists, like you said in your second paragraph. Simply because they weren't the one single protagonist of the game, same as the men in those game, it should be ruled out? That's a bit unfair, wouldn't you agree?

And as for it being more directed towards horror games, I mean, not many horror games have been made in comparison to other genres, simply because the horror genre doesn't sell as well as the other genres. So of course there are going to be less games, and with it, less games with sex differences. I can name one off the top of my head that was always a favorite, Fatal Frame. A female protagonist off to find and save her brother who went missing.

What I'm saying is, yes there are less female protagonists, but how is pointing it out less sexist than the accusation? This argument has always rustled my jimmies... Simply because it's pointless. A female will be depicted when necessary and as directed. And any game who falls in the "sexist" category usually dies off, is shamed, and/or isn't honored (X-Blades for example) like games in which there is no sexism involved (Mirror's Edge on the contrary).

Just the title of this thread bugs me because there is no sexism in these games in any way and yet it's stated like a fact.
(This post was last modified: 09-12-2013, 07:27 AM by Statyk.)
09-12-2013, 07:24 AM

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RE: Can the sexism in these types of games stop? - by Statyk - 09-12-2013, 07:24 AM

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