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Level Editor Help Custom entities keep disappearing and error!
Radical Batz Offline
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RE: Custom entities keep disappearing and error!! [still no fix]

(01-13-2014, 03:26 PM)DnALANGE Wrote: well..
I don 't see any object at all from yout story.
The thing what also coiuld possible happing is this:
For example an .ent of .dea { entitie or Static object } do require a dds,.tga,.jpg ..
sometimes a .ent uses a jpg witch is loading the graphics { textures }
IF you miss those JPG, TGA , DDS .MAT you will NEVER see the specific .ent of .tga or even billboards etc..
WHAT you can do is this.
Search for the .ent let me see an easy one for you...
streetlight_ground <--- machine for pigs assets.
If you open that folder you will see 15 files.
1 = streetlight_ground.DAE
1= streetlight_ground.ent
Those 2 entitie and Static object are using a LOT of .dds , .tga, .jpg .mat as you can see.
IF you are mising even 1 of them, the .ent or .dea will NEVER work!
That is the annoying part of this whole MFP to Amnesia!!!
What you can do is this : RIGHT click on the .dea \ .ent
try it for 1 thing at the time.. i know it IS timeconsuming!!!
Quote: <init_from>file://C:\Users\WesleyTack\Desktop\amnesia_raw\entities\lamp\elevator_lamp\elevator_lamp_glass.jpg</init_from>
<image id="Map #7-image" name="Map #7">

This is the streetlight_ground.DAE
As you see this streetlight_ground is using several .jpg's
"'IF you miss 1 it won't work or will miss textures."

-Then you need to find that .mat
You can do this by using the :
Witch you found in the .dea or .ent
Go to Machine for Pigs, and search in the entire folder where those files are.
Then you will see the .mat \ .dds \ .tga \jpg whatever the .ent or .dea is missing\using and copy that into your Custom story { your lamp in this case }
Like this you need to search for everything that is missing!
Meaning .dds, .tga, .jpg and the .mat 's
Some files have sevaral .jpg etc..
be sure you don't miss 1, or you'll miss a texture of them!
This is very annoying and VERY timeconsuming!

Good Luck with it.

Nope still doesn't work!Angry this is frustrating! but I heard that frivtional games will soon allow entities of MFP entities into amnesia TDD
01-14-2014, 02:50 PM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Custom entities keep disappearing and error!! [still no fix] - by Radical Batz - 01-14-2014, 02:50 PM

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