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Riddles, brain puzzles and mathematical problems
BAndrew Offline
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RE: Riddles, brain puzzles and mathematical problems

Quote:So you're not fazed by the last step of my solution?

Quote:Hm, today I found another solution to the same problem. This one takes like 5 minutes, and it's more elegant.

Well done again!

Quote:I'm quite curious what your solution is, too.

My solution is more similar to your second solution, but instead of multiplying I use division. It is a bit hard to describe though. So I will use some pictures to illustrate the steps.

Pick up a digit (I picked up 9 because why not) and then you devide it with 2 using long division.

We know that the number n must be divisible by 2 exactly. We start to do division normally. So in my case the first step is this:

[Image: 2ufrgna.jpg]

Because we put the first digit (the 9 in this case) in the end we know that 4 is the second digit of the number n.

[Image: 4j3j2s.jpg]

Then 7 must be the third digit for the same reason.

[Image: 287zzuh.jpg]

Continue to do this until both of the following conditions are met:
  • The last digit in the quotient is a 9 (or the digit you began with)
  • The remainder is 0

Then you have your number!

I am actually too lazy to continue the process Tongue but you can see that it works. The number I found was 18 digits long or something like that, but I lost the paper I have written it down. It doesn't take more than 5 minutes to find it though.

OK Froze we got it, probabilities are your Jesus. Every problem you've posted so far has probabilities in it. I don't have anything against probabilities, but I know only the basics or even less about the subject.


I'll post a new problem either today 21:00-22:00 GMT or tomorrow the same time.

There is also Froge's riddle if anyone wants to try.

•I have found the answer to the universe and everything, but this sign is too small to contain it.

[Image: k2g44ae]

(This post was last modified: 03-27-2014, 09:49 PM by BAndrew.)
03-27-2014, 12:45 PM

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RE: Riddles, brain puzzles and mathematical problems - by BAndrew - 03-27-2014, 12:45 PM

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