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Abortions based on sexual orientation
MrBehemoth Offline
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RE: Abortions based on sexual orientation

I strongly believe that sexual orientation is not genetic, at least not entirely. It surely must be influenced by developmental psychology and societal factors at least as much as by genetics, if not more.

This could be controversial, but I think that the idea that sexual orientation is dictated by genetics is furthered by those who are choosing to believe that people who aren't hetro are born that way: they want to believe that it's random and it's nobody's fault. If someone needs to excuse sexual orientation like that then it can only be inspired by either homophobia or unwarranted shame. It's sad that this therefore misleads people who aren't either homophobic or ashamed. There is no "gay gene" - it's the way a person's mind develops in their early childhood and on throughout their life. Plus, people's sexual orientation or preference can change over time, and that can't be explained by genetics.

Genetics would also have to be able to explain bisexuality and asexuality, not to mention transgender and various other nuances. Sexuality is not a boolean variable.

Anyway, if it was hypothetically possible, the first problem that came to my mind is what if a "bisexual" foetus tests positive for the "gay gene", but then grows up to have a lifelong, monogamous, hetrosexual marriage?

Besides, the idea itself is abhorrent. Anyone who makes that decision (based on orientation) is not fit to be a parent.

09-07-2014, 02:17 AM

Messages In This Thread
Abortions based on sexual orientation - by Froge - 09-06-2014, 09:01 PM
RE: Abortions based on sexual orientation - by MrBehemoth - 09-07-2014, 02:17 AM

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