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How much violence is OK for a video game?
Traggey Offline
is mildly amused

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RE: How much violence is OK for a video game?

Hahaha oh Mudbill + 1 <3

Alright so basicly, anything should be alowed aslong as it is not illegal, banning something is censorship and THAT is the true bullshit here, the fact that Valve put the game back on steam only shows what kind of hypocritical BS it is to take something like it down.

People are alowed to create whatever the frick they want, and consumers are alowed to purchase it if they wish, this game was greenlit and many many thousands of users wanted the game, an adult should be able to choose what kind of entertainment they consume, THE END.

Claiming stuff like this is immoral and whatever is completely up to your own view on things and has nothing to do with anything, I am adult, I choose to do whatever the heck I want to do aslong as I am not breaking any laws, the theories that video games cause voilent behaviour and sexism have since long been debunked and NORMAL HEALTHY people are fully capable of telling reality apart from entertainment.

I am personally not interested in buying the game, it doesn't look like something I'd have too much fun with, but I am happy the game exists for those out there who wish to play it, kudos to the developers for going strong after having this shitfest thrown at them.
12-17-2014, 08:04 PM

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RE: How much violence is OK for a video game? - by Traggey - 12-17-2014, 08:04 PM

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