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The November 2015 Paris Terrorist Attacks
Romulator Offline
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RE: The November 2015 Paris Terrorist Attacks

I'm not going to comment personal views because knowing me, I'm going to say something rather over the top or a bit out there, but I nonetheless simply choose to ignore it, since I treat any attack which is labelled as terrorism to be a voice. If the voice is a cry for attention, and the attention is not given, it goes away.

I know. Wishful thinking, but that's how I have always been. Was a very similar event when there was a suggested terrorist attack 5 minutes by car from my house here in Australia. I didn't react and just moved on. People have since forgotten about it.

I'll also leave this here. Whether you have a Facebook or not, you should be able to view that particular video. It was on the news today, spoken by Waleed Aly in his segment Something we should talk about, a moment in the program where he discusses a topic of interest, often unbiased, but communicates a point of reassurance.


Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
11-16-2015, 10:35 AM

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RE: The November 2015 Paris Terrorist Attacks - by Romulator - 11-16-2015, 10:35 AM

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