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Any chance of this being a trilogy, I want to give you more money! (No Spoilers)
bblaze Offline
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RE: Any chance of this being a trilogy, I want to give you more money! (No Spoilers)

Only spoilers for the first note you find in the game (or the demo), which is about 5 minutes in, so I won't mark this as such.

Since the point in the demo where you find out about Daniel's self-inflicted amnesia, I always kind of had a "horrifying meta ending" in mind.

I figured, if he purposely drank some stuff to make him forget, what if you had to brew some elixir for whatever supposedly world-saving purpose at the end of the game, only to find out that Alexander has tricked you into drinking the amnesia-potion... again! And if that were true, how often did Daniel already attempt the journey down the castle? Then, spinning the idea further, I thought it might be possible to rationalize the main enemy, those lurkers, as incarnations of Daniel's memories, basically watching himself in 3rd person wander those halls to find the Inner Sanctum --- At that point, I didn't know they could actually attack you, so that kind of renders the whole idea moot, but I won't lie by saying that I gave myself goosebumps for a second as that thought creeped into my mind.

All this would then lead into a possible sequel through Daniel somehow breaking this cycle of madness, but with a severely scarred mind.

cue dramatic symphony
09-09-2010, 11:36 PM

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RE: Any chance of this being a trilogy, I want to give you more money! (No Spoilers) - by bblaze - 09-09-2010, 11:36 PM

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